Lecture Videos

Marty will record his lectures from his laptop this quarter. Videos will post ~1-2 days after each lecture.

Please note: These will be low-quality screen recordings; Marty is recording the videos using his own laptop capture software and microphone. The video will show only the computer screen, not the instructor or students, and the audio is very poor. We do not recommend trying to use these videos as a substitute for coming to class. Also note that it is possible that some lectures won't record successfully due to software problems or other glitches. We do not promise that there will be a successful video for 100% of lectures. You are responsible for knowing all lecture content and should not rely on these videos as a primary learning resource.

This Quarter's Lecture Videos (Marty Stepp):

Last Year's Lecture Videos (Marty Stepp):

Here are videos from Marty Stepp's 2016 offering of CS 106A. The course will be similar to this year's, though we do not promise that they will correspond perfectly.

These videos are privately uploaded and are for viewing by Stanford CS 106A students only. The content of these videos is © copyright Marty Stepp and Stanford University.

2008 Lecture Videos (M. Sahami):

Mehran Sahami's 2008 offering of CS 106A was recorded by SCPD and put on Youtube. Though the course has changed somewhat since then, the videos are still useful, so we post them here for you to view.

Please note that the lectures do not line up perfectly with what we will cover this quarter, but we are still providing these videos as a convenience. You are responsible for keeping up with what is covered in our lectures, and these videos may not cover 100% of that material.

  1. Lecture 1: introduction
  2. Lecture 2: introduction to Karel; methods, control statements
  3. Lecture 3: Problem solving with Karel
  4. Lecture 4: Basic Graphical programs (we cover graphics later this quarter; you can skip this one for now)
  5. Lecture 5: Variables and expressions (there is some coverage of graphics here, which we haven't covered yet)
  6. Lecture 6: More expressions; Java control statements; logic; scope and constants
  7. Lecture 7: More Java control statements; more graphics; parameters and return
  8. Lecture 8: Classes and objects; random numbers
  9. Lecture 9: More classes and objects; constructors; inheritance
  10. Lecture 10: More inheritance; graphics
  11. Lecture 11: Graphics and animation; events
  12. Lecture 12: Strings
  13. Lecture 13: More strings
  14. Lecture 14: Memory allocation, stack and heap
  15. Lecture 15: File processing (note: Mehran shows an older file I/O library that we won't use this quarter.)
  16. Lecture 16: Arrays and ArrayList
  17. Lecture 17: More ArrayList; multi-dimensional arrays
  18. Lecture 18: More Array/ArrayList; testing and debugging
  19. Lecture 19: HashMap
  20. Lecture 20: GUIs with Swing
  21. Lecture 21: GUI events; layout
  22. Lecture 22: More GUIs
  23. Lecture 23: Searching and sorting
  24. Lecture 24: Classes, objects, and hierarchies
  25. Lecture 25: Threads and concurrency
  26. Lecture 26: Standard Java; JAR files
This document and its content are copyright © Marty Stepp, 2016. All rights reserved. Any redistribution, reproduction, transmission, or storage of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without the authors' expressed written permission.