In this week's section handout, we're covering a variety of different topics: tracing, graphics, sorting, and dictionaries amongst others. We have a few problems devoted to how graphics can be used to visualize different data, and will also have you engage in some basic analysis of the output of your Assignment 6's Mimic program to convince yourself it effectively models the text which it is fed as an input. Our goal is for you to gain a sense of how the programming skills you've been developing and are continuing to develop can be leveraged to solve some really interesting and realistic problems.

Grid Drawing

Python is commonly used in industry and academia as a tool for managing and visualizing large amounts of data. Almost any visualization requires the use of some sort of grid on which you can orient your data. While Python has several toolboxes for producing such grids automatically, in this problem we'll work through manually making such a grid using the tkinter library. We'll primarily employ the following functions, which we reproduce here with the assumption that a canvas has already been created for us:

# Draw a line between  (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), touching both
# optional: fill='red' to set color ('black' is default)
# optional: width=2 to draw a thicker line (1 is default)
canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill='red')
canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=2)

# Draws text on the canvas.
# anchor=tkinter.SW means the given x,y is SouthWest corner of the tet
# of the beginning of the string. Other common choices are W (West) and NW (NorthWest)
# optional: fill='red' to set color ('black' is default)
canvas.create_text(x, y, text=a_str_value, anchor=tkinter.SW)
canvas.create_text(x, y, text=a_str_value, anchor=tkinter.SW, fill='red')

You can download the starter project for this problem here, which comes with a main function that's already outfitted to facilitate two behaviours:

Your job is to complete the following function, which the main function will then call:

def draw_grid(width, height, n):
    Divides a canvas into n rows and columns
    # make canvas of specified dimensions
    canvas = make_canvas(width, height)

    # TODO: your code here

    # required line to put window on screen

The function begins by making a canvas (delineated by a blue border) for you to separate into a grid using the make_canvas function (which we provide), and ends by calling tkinter.mainloop() to put the window on the screen. It is your responsibility to actually draw the grid.

Milestone 1: Drawing column separators

We'll begin by first dividing the canvas into n vertical columns, which is accomplished by drawing n - 1 vertical red lines between said columns, like so:

A grid

To determine the x-coordinate of each line, compute its position as a fraction of the entire width of the canvas, then multiply that fraction by the canvas width. This fraction will by definition be a number between 0 and 1, and thus will need to be represented by the float data type. In your own code, this likely means that you'll simply use the / operator rather than the integer division //. Each vertical line should extend the full height of the canvas.

Milestone 2: Drawing row separators

Now, you'll do the same thing to draw separator lines for the rows of the grid to produce a window like this:

A grid

Each horizontal line should extend the full width of the canvas.

Milestone 3: Drawing labels

Finally, you'll label each of the row separation lines with its y-coordinate. Each label should be above and to the right of the leftmost end of the line, like so:

A grid

In tkinter nomenclature, we say that the anchor point for the label is anchor=tkinter.SW, which means that the coordinates we specify for the label are those for its SouthWest corner.

Random Circles

Download the starter code for this problem here.

A grid

Write a program that draws a random number of circles of random sizes at random positions on the canvas. Be careful to make sure that none of the drawn circles are cut off by the edge of your canvas. You are provided with the constants WIDTH and HEIGHT (the canvas width and height, respectively), RADIUS_MAX and RADIUS_MIN (the maximum/minimum radius that each random circle may have), and N_CIRCLES_MAX (the maximum number of circles that may be generated in one run of our program. Note that each run should generate between 1 and N_CIRCLES_MAX circles inclusive on both ends). Specifically, your job is to implement the following function:

def make_all_circles(canvas)

into which is passed a canvas and whose job is to do the random drawing of the circles. You might find the following functions helpful, some of which are found in the random module:

# draws an oval on a canvas, the top left corner of whose bounding box
# is at (x0, y0) and the bottom right corner of whose bounding box is
# at (x1, y1)
canvas.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1)

# returns a random integer between lower and upper, inclusive of both
# bounds
random.randint(lower, upper)

# returns a random number between 0 and 1

Drawing friend graphs

Python is commonly used to help analyze data sets by creating visualizations of said data. One common example of data visualization is to look at relationships between users social networks. Programmers can use python to help draw the network. The visual can be used to measure statistics of the network or to find clusters, which are groups of individuals who have many of the same friends. There are many reasons to search for close-knit groups in social networks - for instance, to create targeted marketing schemes or to suggest groups they'd like to be a part of. Cluster analysis has been also used to identify terrorist cells.

In this problem, you are going to use your python programming skills to create a visual representation of a social network where users can follow each other. More specifically, you will use information from two text files and draw lines representing the relationships in the network. If a user follows another user, your output should have a line connecting the two people.

You will be given two files through command-line arguments. The first file is a list of each person in the network, each on a separate line, where their name is followed by a colon and then a list of all the people that they follow. The second file is a list of coordinates. Each line has the name of a person in the network, followed by a colon and then a comma separated l list of two integers representing the x and y coordinates you will use to place the node representing that person on the canvas.

Your job is to write a full python program, including a main function, that uses the information in these two files to draw the social network. For each user: at their respective coordinates draw a circle and a string of text with their name. Then, draw lines connecting that circle to the circle of every person that they follow.

As you consider how best to approach the problem and store your data, keep in mind that relationships aren't necessarily symmetric. Take, for example, the following friends file:

Juliette: Brahm, Nick, Julie, Cynthia
Brahm: Juliette, Nick, Cynthia, Mehran, Chris, Cynthia
Mehran: Oliver, Chris
Chris: Mehran, Oliver
Nick: Juliette, Julie, Keith
Julie: Juliette, Nick, Cynthia
Oliver: Mehran, Chris
Cynthia: Juliette, Julie, Keith
Keith: Nick, Cynthia

Note that Brahm follows several users, but despite his best efforts to use in-vogue hashtags, has but a single humble follower.

Download the PyCharm project for this section here. We have provided some sample data files in the project, and you can test your code like so:

python3 friends1.txt coordList1.txt

You may assume that the two files provided are valid and represent the same users, but an interesting extension to this problem might be to verify that.

Using map

Solve each of these problems using the map function described in lecture.

Reading map

Predict what each of the following blocks of code will do:

counting = [5, 6, 7, 8]
jenny = [8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0]
lst = list(map(lambda lst: lst.append(9), [counting, jenny]))
counting = [5, 6, 7, 8]
jenny = [8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0]
lst = list(map(lambda lst: lst + [9], [counting, jenny]))

Sorting with lambdas

Solve each of the following challenges in one line of Python, using the lambda technique:

  1. Given a list of strings strs, sort the list case-insensitively (i.e. ignoring whether the word is upper or lower case)
  2. Given a list of strings strs, sort the list according to the last character of each string, case-insensitively.
  3. Given a list of integers nums, sort the list according to the absolute difference between each number and 3.14. Python has an abs function, which takes as input a number and returns its absolute value, and which you might find helpful in this problem.
  4. Given a list of tuples that represents houses for rent, the number of bedrooms and their prices, like so:
    [ ('main st.', 4, 4000), ('elm st.', 1, 1200), ('pine st.', 2, 1600)]

    Sort the list in the following ways:

    1. In ascending order by number of rooms
    2. In ascending order of price
    3. In ascending order of price-per-room

Tweets Revisited

Recall the Big Tweets Data problem from last week, in which we worked with a user_tags dictionary whose keys were twitter usernames and whose values were additional nested dictionaries keeping track of the frequencies of Hashtag usage, like so:

user_tags = {'@alice': {'#apple': 1, '#banana': 2}, '@bob': {'#apple': 1}}

One of the suggested extensions for this problem was to implement a function called flat_counts, which takes in a user_tags and returns a dictionary that counts the number of times each Hashtag is used, across all users. For example, calling flat_counts and passing the user_tags dictionary in as a parameter would lead to the following behaviour:

>>> flat_counts(user_tags)
{'#apple': 2, '#banana': 2}

Now, armed with your new toolkit for sorting, your job is to implement the following function:

def most_used(flat_counts)

which takes in a 'flat' dictionary as described above, and returns the most frequently used hashtag in the dataset. With a solid understanding of how lambdas can be used in sorting, you should be able to solve this in just a few lines of code. As a hint, dictionaries have a built-in items() function that returns a list of (key, value) tuples.

Pynary Bomb

Download the starter file for this problem here.

A rogue Cal student has somehow gained access to a computer on Stanford premises and as a misguided attempt to demonstrate their technical superiority, has left an ill-intentioned program -- a 'Pynary bomb' -- for us to deal with. Left unchecked, there's no telling what this program might do: perhaps it'll delete the 106A website and all your hard work on the assignments, or perhaps it'll constantly post low-quality content to SMFET, diluting Stanford's cultural credibility.

Fortunately for us, that student underestimated both your tenacity and skill with Python, and it's up to you to save the day. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to trace through the student's program (reproduced below) and to figure out the set of command line arguments that 'defuse' the bomb.

We've collected some intel about the program, which we're sharing with you here:

def swap(li, idx0, idx1):
    temp = li[idx0]
    li[idx0] = li[idx1]
    li[idx1] = temp
    return idx1 - 1

def extends(d, k1, k2):
    copy = d[k1]

def slicer(lst, val):
    lst = lst[val:]

def even_odd_counter(d):
    d_even_odd = {}
    for k in d.keys():
        for v in d[k]:
            x = v % 2
            if x not in d_even_odd:
                d_even_odd[x] = 0
            d_even_odd[x] += 1
    return d_even_odd

def foo(inp1, inp2, inp3):
    y = {'a': [1], 'b': [2,3], 'c': [4,5,6], 'd':[7,8,9,10], 'e':[11,12,13,14,15]}
    x = sorted(list(y.keys()), reverse=True) # sorts y.keys() in descending order
    idx0 = 0
    while idx0 <= inp1:
        inp1 = swap(x, 0, inp1)
    if y[x[2]] != [2,3] and x[4] != 'a':
    slicer(x, 2)
    extends(y, x[0], x[inp2])
    if len(y[x[0]]) != 5:
    d_count = even_odd_counter(y)
    if d_count[1] != inp3:
    print("Phew! That was a close one.")
    print("You've defeated the Pynary Bomb, congratulations!")

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    print("Good luck...")
    foo(int(args[0]), int(args[1]), int(args[2]))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Analyzing Mimic Output

Thanks to Sheridan Rea for suggesting this problem!


One of the programs you'll have written as part of assignment 6 is called Mimic, in which you examine a piece of text and associate individual words with those that might follow them. In doing so, you gain the ability to generate new text by continuously choosing new words from the ones you previously selected.

This program involves constructing what is called a Markov Model, in which you generate new data (in this case, words), based solely on information about the last piece of data you generated. Markov Models are widely employed to solve all sorts of problems in Artificial Intelligence research. In fact, many of the most widely-used techniques in Natural Language Processing use representations of words produced from a process not unlike that which you're tasked with implementing in Assignment 6. One of the most interesting properties of such models is that they help us to construct a statistical model of Natural Language, and to consequently make predictions about it. In this problem, you'll explore the statistical properties of the model constructed in the Mimic program, using only the skills you've already developed as a Python programmer.

Getting started

Begin by downloading the starter code for this project here from the course website and importing it into PyCharm. The project comes with a few important files:

Each of the -sample.txt files are approximately 1000 words and as the assignment handout suggests, should sound like they're in the voice of the original text. You'll verify this in this problem!

Collecting statistics

Your goal in this problem is to write a program that analyses and prints the frequency of words in a piece of text. You'll then use the program to compare the distributions of word occurrences between a piece of text and the output of the Mimic program, run on that piece of text. We've provided some basic scaffolding for you in, which you can run like so:

$ python3 alice-book.txt

Your job is to implement the following function:

def print_most_frequent(filename)

which takes as a parameter the name of a file and ultimately prints the words in the file in ascending order of how frequently they are used, as well as their frequency counts. We'll leave your exact decompositional strategy up to you, but your program should look fairly similar in structure to the Mimic assignment itself.

Analyzing the Output

Once you've got the print_most_frequent function (and by extension the program) up and running, it's time to use it to examine the frequency distributions of the words in various files. For example, run python3 alice-book.txt and python3 alice-sample.txt and compare the outputs. Do the two files use the same words the most frequently? If not, what might be causing that difference? Is the same true for A Tale of Two Cities?

Words of Wisdom

While we'll leave the actual strategy of decomposition and other implementation details largely up to you, here are a few directions you could take, some of which I employed in my own solution:

Moving On

While you were hopefully able to gain some insights into the language model that the Mimic program constructs, there's plenty you can do to continue to explore this, if you so choose: