Teaching Team

Nick Parlante
nick parlante headshot
Mon chat after class, then at Bytes until 3:30pm
Tues 2-4pm, Durand 311
Wed 3-5pm, Durand 311
Elyse Cornwall
elyse cornwall headshot
Head TA
Tues 11am-12pm, virtually by appointment
Thu 11am-12:30pm, Durand 303
Fri 11am-12:30pm, Durand 303

Where is Durand?

exterior of Durand building


Archived Website

This is the archived Fall 2023 CS106A website. The course website will update on the first day of Winter quarter - for now, you can use this link to the updated website.

Final Exam Grades and Solutions
Midterm histogram. Median is 90. Heighest bars are 85, 90, and 95, and it steadily trails off until around 25 percent.

We have released the grades for the Final Exam on Gradescope. You must log in with your Stanford email to see your score. Solutions can be found on the Final Exam Solution Handout.

The median score was a 90% (144/160 pts). We felt that this median represented a good performance by the class given the difficulty of the problems.

We try to grade as consistently as possible, but we are human and we might make mistakes. After reading through the solution handout, if you feel that one of your problems was misgraded, please file a regrade request on Gradescope. Please submit regrade requests by Sunday, December 17th at 11:55pm PT. Note that your section leader is NOT able to regrade your work. If you submit a regrade request, we do reserve the right to regrade the entire problem and make any necessary corrections.

To guarantee that your work gets regraded before we input your overall grade in Axess, you must submit by the time shown above. If you'd like to ask for a regrade after this, please reach out to Elyse via email with details about your regrade request and we will revisit your exam and adjust your overall grade if needed.
Retraction and Retroactive Citation Policy

We described our honor code policy at the beginning of the quarter, but we wanted to revisit our rules on homework collaboration. Essentially, you are welcome to exchange ideas with other students and the staff, but then you should take those insights and use them to write your own code. If you feel you made a mistake over the course of the quarter, please read this retroactive citation and retraction handout detailing some next steps. You can fill out the retractive citation form if you feel that you have violated the honor code while working on an assignment this quarter.

If you have any questions about whether to submit this form, or would like to submit a citation after the form as closed, please email Nick or Elyse.

Teaching Team

Nick Parlante
nick parlante headshot
Mon chat after class, then at Bytes until 3:30pm
Tues 2-4pm, Durand 311
Wed 3-5pm, Durand 311
Elyse Cornwall
elyse cornwall headshot
Head TA
Tues 11am-12pm, virtually by appointment
Thu 11am-12:30pm, Durand 303
Fri 11am-12:30pm, Durand 303

Where is Durand?

exterior of Durand building



Archived Website

This is the archived Fall 2023 CS106A website. The course website will update on the first day of Winter quarter - for now, you can use this link to the updated website.

Final Exam Grades and Solutions
Midterm histogram. Median is 90. Heighest bars are 85, 90, and 95, and it steadily trails off until around 25 percent.

We have released the grades for the Final Exam on Gradescope. You must log in with your Stanford email to see your score. Solutions can be found on the Final Exam Solution Handout.

The median score was a 90% (144/160 pts). We felt that this median represented a good performance by the class given the difficulty of the problems.

We try to grade as consistently as possible, but we are human and we might make mistakes. After reading through the solution handout, if you feel that one of your problems was misgraded, please file a regrade request on Gradescope. Please submit regrade requests by Sunday, December 17th at 11:55pm PT. Note that your section leader is NOT able to regrade your work. If you submit a regrade request, we do reserve the right to regrade the entire problem and make any necessary corrections.

To guarantee that your work gets regraded before we input your overall grade in Axess, you must submit by the time shown above. If you'd like to ask for a regrade after this, please reach out to Elyse via email with details about your regrade request and we will revisit your exam and adjust your overall grade if needed.
Retraction and Retroactive Citation Policy

We described our honor code policy at the beginning of the quarter, but we wanted to revisit our rules on homework collaboration. Essentially, you are welcome to exchange ideas with other students and the staff, but then you should take those insights and use them to write your own code. If you feel you made a mistake over the course of the quarter, please read this retroactive citation and retraction handout detailing some next steps. You can fill out the retractive citation form if you feel that you have violated the honor code while working on an assignment this quarter.

If you have any questions about whether to submit this form, or would like to submit a citation after the form as closed, please email Nick or Elyse.

Course Values

Everyone is welcome. Be kind. Be humane. Meet someone new. Learn by doing. Adapt to new contexts.