Homework 6a - Baby Names

This project use the Social Security Administration's (SSA) baby names data set of babies born in the US going back more than 100 years. This part of the project will load and organize the data. The second part of the project will build out interactive code that displays the data. Background reading: Where Have All The Lisas Gone. This is the article that gave Nick the idea to create this assignment way back when.

All parts of HW6 are due Wed Nov 15th at 11:55pm. The file babynames.zip contains a "babynames" folder to get started.


Here are some warmup problems to get started. The first couple are just regular list problems. Then dict-count and nested dict problems. The "previous" pattern on the last problem will be in Fri lecture.

> dict3hw

Turn In Turn In Warmups to Paperless

Baby Data

Let's see what form the data is in to start with. At the Social Security baby names site, you can visit a different web page for each year. Here's what the data looks like in a web page (indeed, this is pretty close to the birth year for many students in CS106A - hey there Emily and Jacob!)

Popularity in 2000
Rank Male name Female name
1 Jacob Emily
2 Michael Hannah
3 Matthew Madison
4 Joshua Ashley
5 Christopher Sarah

In this data set, rank 1 means the most popular name, rank 2 means next most popular, and so on down through rank 1000. The data is divided into "male" and "female" columns. (To be strictly accurate, at birth when this data is collected, not all babies are categorized as male or female. That's rare enough to not affect the numbers at this level.)


A web page is encoded as - you guessed it! - plain text in a format called HTML. For your project, we have done a superficial clean up of the HTML text and stored it in files "baby-2000.txt", which look like:


Data Organization

A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of. - Ogden Nash

Data in the real world is very often not in the form you need. Reasonably for the Social Security Administration, their data is organized by year. Each year they get all those forms filled out by parents, they crunch it all together, and eventually publish the data for that year, such as we have as baby-2000.txt.

However, the most interesting analysis of the data requires organizing it by name, across many years. This real-world mismatch is part of the challenge for this project.

Names Data Structure

We'll say that the "names" dict structure for this program has a key for every name. The value for each name is a nested dict, mapping int year to int rank:

'Aaden': {2010: 560},
'Aaliyah': {2000: 211, 2010: 56},

Each name has data for 1 or more years, but which years have data is spotty — a name might have data for 1970, no data for 1980 and 1990, and then have data for all the later years. An empty dict is a valid names data structure - it just has zero names in it.

The functions below will work on this "names" data structure.

a. Add Name

The add_name() function takes in a single year+rank+name, e.g. 2000, 10, 'abe', and adds that data into the names dict. Later phases can call this function in a file-reading loop to build up the whole data set.

The dict is passed in as a parameter. Python never passes a copy, but instead passes a reference to the one dict in memory. In this way, if add_name() modifies the passed in "names" dict, that's the same dict being used by the caller. The function also returns the names dict to facilitate writing Doctests. The starter code includes a single Doctest as an example (below).

def add_name(names, year, rank, name):
    Add the given data: int year, int rank, str name
    to the given names dict and return it.
    (1 test provided, more tests TBD)
    >>> add_name({}, 2000, 10, 'abe')
    {'abe': {2000: 10}}

The provided 'abe' test hits the case where the passed in dict is empty, so both the name and the year are new. Write at least 2 additional tests where the name is not-new, combined with a new year, and again with a not-new year. The add_name() function is short but dense. Doctests are a good fit for this situation, letting you explicitly identify and work out the various cases.

Issue: Name Appears Twice

In rare cases a name, e.g. 'Christian', appears twice in the data: once as a male name and once as a female name. We need a policy for how to handle that case. Our policy will be to keep whatever rank number for that name/year is read first (in effect the smaller number). For example for the baby-2000.txt data 'Christian' comes in as a male name at rank 22. Then it comes in as a female name at rank 576. We will disregard the 576. Your tests should include this case. This sort of rare case in the data is more likely to cause bugs; it doesn't fit the common data pattern you have in mind when first writing the code.

CS Observation — if 99% of the data is one way, and 1% is some other way .. that doesn't mean the 1% is going to require less work just because it's rare. A hallmark of computer code is that it forces you to handle 100% of the cases.

b. Parse Year + Exception

A filename is just a string, like 'baby-2000.txt', which is the name of that file. We'll use the simple scheme that the data for the year 2000 is in the file named 'baby-2000.txt', the year 1990 data is in the file 'baby-1990.txt', and so on.

As a slightly novel strategy, we'll parse the int year for each data set out of the filename of each data file.

Write code for the function parse_year(), which takes in a filename and returns the int year. Assume the year is 1 or more chars long after the dash char '-' and before the period '.' char. You do not need to check if the chars are digits.

What should the function do if the dash or period is missing, so it's not possible to parse out the year? In that case, we will use a simple but solid strategy of "raising an exception" which will halt the program at that spot with an error message. Here is the code to raise the exception:

    raise Exception('Cannot parse filename:' + filename)

The first rule of error handling is that when the program encounters some data which will not work, the program should halt at that spot with an error message describing the problem. The raise Exception(..) will do this. Essentially, the code reports that it has hit an error condition, and the next step is up to whoever is running or debugging this code. Tests are provided.

c. Add File

The simple baby text format for this data looks like:


Each line has the rank, male name, female name separated from each other by commas. Don't assume the data runs to exactly 1000, which would make the function too single-purpose. Just process all the lines there are.

Given a filename like 'baby-1950.txt', extract the year and then open the file and process all its lines. Add the data to the passed in names dict, which is returned.

Tests are provided for this function, using the feature that a Doctest can refer to a file in the same directory. Here the tests use the relatively small test files "small-2000.txt" and "small-2010.txt" to build a names dict.

For reference, here is the contents of the small files:





d. read_files()

Write code for read_files() which takes a list of filenames, creating and returning a names dict of all their data. This function is called by main() to build up the names dict from all the files mentioned on the command line. A Doctest is provided with the call: read_files(['small-2000.txt', 'small-2010.txt'])

d. search_names()

Write code for search_names() which searches for a target string and returns a sorted list of all the name strings that match the target (no year or rank data). In this case, the target matches a name, not-case sensitive, if the target appears anywhere in the name. (Sorting is in the Friday lecture.) For example the target strings 'aa' and 'AA' both match 'Aaliyah' and 'Ayaan'. Return the empty list if no names match the target string. This function is called by main() for the -search command line argument.

Write at least 3 Doctests for search_names() which is rather algorithmic. You can make up a tiny names dict to pass in just for the tests.

Provided: main() and print_names()

We've provided the main() function. Given 1 or more baby data file arguments, main() reads them in with your read_files() function, and then calls the provided print_names() function which prints the name in alphabetical order, and for each name, its data in increasing-year order. The function is provided, but it's actually only 2 lines of code. Printing out a dict is a topic we will get to a little later.

The files small-2000.txt small-2010.txt have just a few test names, so they are good to hand-check that your output is correct, and of course your Doctests are working on your decomposed functions to check them individually. The output should be the same if small-2010.txt is loaded before small-2000.txt.

Running your code to load multiple files:

$ python3 babynames.py small-2000.txt small-2010.txt 
Alice [(2000, 1), (2010, 2)]
Bob [(2000, 1), (2010, 2)]
Cindy [(2000, 2)]
Yot [(2010, 1)]
Zena [(2010, 1)]

Try It With Real Data

I believe this is the correct meme for this part of the homework.

The small files and Doctests check that the code is working correctly, but are no fun. The provided main() function looks at all the files listed on the command line, and loads them all by calling your read_files() function in a loop. You can take a look at 4 decades of data with the following command in the terminal (use the tab-key, to complete file names without all the typing).

$ python3 babynames.py baby-1980.txt baby-1990.txt baby-2000.txt baby-2010.txt
...tons of output!...

Filename *

A handy feature of the terminal is that you can enter baby-*.txt to mean all the filenames with that pattern: baby-1900.txt baby-1910.txt ... baby-2020.txt. This is an incredibly handy shorthand when you are working through a big-data problem with many files. This may also explain why CS and data-science people tend to use patterns to name their data files, so the filenames work with this * feature. You can demonstrate this with the "ls" command, which prints out filenames (this form works in Windows PowerShell too):

$ ls baby-*.txt
baby-1900.txt	baby-1930.txt	baby-1960.txt	baby-1990.txt
baby-1910.txt	baby-1940.txt	baby-1970.txt	baby-2000.txt
baby-1920.txt	baby-1950.txt	baby-1980.txt	baby-2010.txt

This * feature fits perfectly with babynames.py. The following terminal command loads all 13 baby-xxx.txt files without typing in anything else:

$ python3 babynames.py baby-*.txt

In the Windows PowerShell, the command line is slightly different, using the "get-item" command:

$ py babynames.py (get-item baby-*.txt)

With the baby-*.txt technique, the command line loads all the files, running the 24,000 odd data points through your functions to get it all organized in the blink of an eye .. that's how the data scientists to it.


Organizing all the data and dumping it out is impressive, but it is a blunt instrument. Main() connects to your search function like this: if the first 2 command line args are "-search target", then main() reads in all the data and calls your search_names() function to find matching names and print them. Here is an example with the search target "aa" used on the 2000 and 2010 data. You can also see that the list returned by search_names() is sorted.

$ python3 babynames.py -search aa baby-2000.txt baby-2010.txt

Observe Raise Exception

Try running the code with a filename with the dash or dot removed, like this:

$ python3 babynames.py baby2000.txt

The run should halt with an exception from your parse_year() function, since it cannot find the needed year in the filename. This shows what the output of a `raise Exception(...)`` looks like from the command line. This is the correct behavior for a program: if an error makes it impossible to continue, the run should halt at that spot with an error message. Whoever is running the code can look at the error message and debug the situation.

Once all that's working, you are done with the first part, getting the data organized in memory and searchable.

Whole Python File Doctests

Right click in your Python code on a line that is not inside of a function. You should see an option to run all of the Doctests in the whole file. This is a satisfying final step once all the bugs are worked out.

Once the data loading and searching are working, you are ready for part-b, bringing the data to life on screen.