Lecture Materials

Class Announcements

  1. Make sure to sign up for a section time at cs198.stanford.edu before 5pm tonight! Sections will be announced at 9am tomorrow and start the same day!
  2. If you’ve tried to install PyCharm using the Installing PyCharm handout but have questions, please come to today’s installation help session from 2:30-4:30pm in Gates B02.
  3. Assignment 0 (getting to know you!) is out and should only take ~5 minutes to complete. 🙂
  4. Assignment 1 has been released today! We recommend taking a look at the Karel in PyCharm handout before getting started.
  5. If you weren’t already registered on either, you should have received invitations to both a Canvas site and Piazza. Make sure to accept those! Canvas will only be used as a place where you can watch lecture videos for the course.
  6. Email Nick with any OAE accommodations and/or midterm conflicts. If you have a midterm conflict, you must also fill out this form.
  7. If you haven’t already, please make sure to read the handouts linked on the home page of the site! (syllabus, Honor Code, and Course Communication)

Learning Goals

  • I can think through what happens when I execute a series of commands in a particular world.
  • I can write functions to teach Karel new commands.
  • I understand that programs run linearly, but control flow techniques give me the ability to alter the precise linear flow of code.