CS 106B Hospital Patient Check-in System ======================================== Current patient queue: {} (empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? N Name? Anton Priority? 3 Current patient queue: {3:Anton} (not empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? N Name? Anton Priority? 4 Current patient queue: {3:Anton, 4:Anton} (not empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? N Name? Anton Priority? 5 Current patient queue: {3:Anton, 4:Anton, 5:Anton} (not empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? F Front of line is "Anton" with priority 3 Current patient queue: {3:Anton, 4:Anton, 5:Anton} (not empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? U Name? Anton New priority? 2 Current patient queue: {2:Anton, 4:Anton, 5:Anton} (not empty) N)ew, F)ront, U)pgrade, P)rocess, B)ulk, C)lear, Q)uit? Q Exiting.