Welcome to CS 106X Pathfinder! This program searches for paths through graphs representing maps, mazes, and rocky terrains. It demonstrates several graph algorithms for finding paths, such as depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS), Dijkstra's Algorithm, A* search, and Alternate Path search. Loading world from map-stanford.txt ... Preparing world model ... World model completed. Loading world from map-istanbul.txt ... Preparing world model ... World model completed. Looking for a path from 3365517676 to 2707441697. Executing depth-first search algorithm ... Algorithm complete. Path length: 567 Path cost: 30.1263 Locations visited: 1996 Looking for a path from 3365517676 to 2707441697. Executing breadth-first search algorithm ... Algorithm complete. Path length: 82 Path cost: 4.57534 Locations visited: 3611 Looking for a path from 3365517676 to 2707441697. Executing Dijkstra's algorithm ... Algorithm complete. Path length: 100 Path cost: 4.14079 Locations visited: 3007 Looking for a path from 3365517676 to 2707441697. Executing A* algorithm ... Algorithm complete. Path length: 100 Path cost: 4.14079 Locations visited: 1822 # note (this does NOT appear in output) - this takes a long time to execute! Looking for a path from 3365517676 to 2707441697. Executing alternate path algorithm ... Algorithm complete. Path length: 97 Path cost: 4.41913 Locations visited: 4148