Lab 2: C pointers/arrays/void *

Lab sessions Mon Apr 11 to Thu Apr 14

Lab written by Julie Zelenski

Learning goals

During this lab, you will:

  1. investigate how arrays and pointers work in C
  2. write code that manipulates arrays and pointers
  3. use gdb and valgrind to help understand and debug your use of memory

First things first! Find an open computer to share with a partner. Introduce yourself and tell them about your favorite music to listen to while coding.

Lab exercises

  1. Get started. Make a clone of the lab starter project using the command

        hg clone /afs/ir/class/cs107/repos/lab2/shared lab2

    This creates the lab2 directory which contains source files and a Makefile. Pull up the online lab checkoff and have it open in a browser so you'll be able to jot down things as you go.

    Optional: Some of you have asked about how you can set permissions so that both you and your partner can access the working directory. The fs setacl command is used to change permissions. Some examples are shown below, replace dirname and username with the directory and sunet you wish to change.

        fs setacl dirname username rl
        fs setacl dirname username rlidwka
        fs listacl dirname

    The first two commands change the permissions on dirname to give the user username read and list permissions (rl) or full permissions (rlidwka). The fs listacl command shows the directory's current permissions. Use fsr in place of fs to recursively apply permissions to all subdirectories as well. Note: on myth as of Oct 2014, fsr has to be invoked it via its full path /afs/cs/software/bin/fsr.

  2. Arrays and pointers. The file arrptr.c contains a nonsense C program that uses arrays and pointers. Scan the source, then build it, and start it under gdb and set a breakpoint at main. Run the program. When you hit the breakpoint, step through the first line or two which initializes the variables and stop to take a look around. Try out the gdb x command which is used to examine raw memory :

    (gdb) x/10wd arr

    x dumps the contents of memory starting at a given address. In the command above, the modifiers /10wd tell gdb to print 10 words (a word is system-speak for 4 bytes) interpreting each word as a decimal integer. Use help x to read about other available modifiers. What modifiers would print the first 3 integers in hex?

    Another key command for your gdb repertoire is print. The command prints the values of simple variables and much more: use print to evaluate expressions, make function calls, change the values of variables by assigning to them, and so on. Let's use it to experiment with arrays and pointers. The expressions below all refer to arr. First try to figure out what the result of the expression should be, then use print (shortcut p) in gdb to confirm that your understanding is correct.

    (gdb) p *arr
    (gdb) p arr[1]
    (gdb) p arr[1] = -99
    (gdb) p &arr[1]
    (gdb) p arr + 1
    (gdb) p &arr[3] - &arr[1]
    (gdb) p sizeof(arr)
    (gdb) p arr = arr + 1

    The main function initializes ptr to arr. If you repeat the above expressions with ptr substituted for arr, most (but not all) have the same result. The first group evaluate identically, but the last two produce different results for ptr than arr. The stack array and a pointer to it are almost interchangeable, but not entirely. Can you explain those subtle differences and why they exist?

    Resume execution using the gdb step command to single-step. The code passes arr and ptr as arguments to binky. Step into binky and use info args to see values of the two parameters. Sure do look the same... Print various expressions on a and b and you'll find they behave identically, even for the last two expressions from above. sizeof reports the same size for aand b and assignment is permissible for either. What happens in parameter passing to make this so? Try drawing a picture of the state of memory to shed light on the matter.

    If you don't understand or can't explain the results you observe, stop here and sort it out with your partner or the TA. Having a solid model of what is happening is an important step toward understanding the similarities and subtle differences between arrays and pointers.

  3. Passing pointers by reference. One often-misunderstood aspect of C arrays/pointers is knowing when and why you need to pass a pointer itself by reference and must face off with the dreaded double **. Consider the functions chop_to_front and chop_to_back in arrptr.c. First manually trace the code and predict what effect each call will have on the variables in main. Then run under gdb and single-step through the calls using gdb print or x to observe what is happening in memory as you go. How is chop_to_front successful in making a persistent change? Why is chop_to_back not successful?

    Once you understand the fatal flaw in chop_to_back, correct the function to successfully make the persistent change it attempts. Because C has no pass-by-reference mechanism, you must manually add a level of indirection. Your new version of chop_to_back can change bufptr, but not buffer. Understanding the difference is tricky! Stop and reason it through. Do you see why buffer is not an L-value and how you cannot reassign where it points? (You may find it surprising that the expression &buffer is even legal, but the compiler treats that particular use of & as basically a no-op -- look very carefully at what is printed by gdb for &buffer[0] versus &buffer) Sketching another picture may be illustrative here.

  4. Memory errors and valgrind. Valgrind is a supremely helpful tool for tracking down memory errors. However, it takes some practice to learn how to interpret a Valgrind report, so that's what this exercise is about. If you haven't already, review the our guide to valgrind written by legendary CS107 TA Nate.

    The buggy.c programs contains a set of memory errors, a few of which get compiler warnings, but most compile without a care. The buggy program is designed to be invoked with a command-line argument (a number from 1 to 8) that identifies which error to make. For each numbered error N, first peruse the code in buggy.c to see what the error is and then try to predict the consequence of that error. Run buggy N without Valgrind and see what (if any) symptoms appear during normal execution. Then run buggy N under Valgrind and see what it detects. Read the Valgrind report and see how it identifies the type of error, how many bytes were involved, the size and location of memory at fault (stack/heap/global), and the line of code when the error was detected. How could you use these facts from a Valgrind report to find and fix the root cause of the error?

    Becoming a skilled user of Valgrind is invaluable to a programmer. We recommend that you run Valgrind early and often during your development cycle. Your strategy should go something like this: run all newly-introduced code under Valgrind, stop at the first error reported, study the report, follow the details to suspicious part of the code, ferret out root cause, resolve the problem, recompile, and re-test to see that this error has gone away. Repeat for any remaining errors. Don't move on until all memory errors are completely resolved. Note that memory leaks don't demand the immediate attention that errors do. Leaks can (and should) be safely ignored until the final phase of polishing a working program.

  5. Function pointers. The sort/search functions of the C standard library are written as generics (e.g. using void*) and require the client to supply callback functions to compare elements. A callback function often only needs simple logic to do its task, but managing the syntax and applying the correct level of indirection is where the trickiness comes in. Use the fnptr.c program to practice writing client callback functions in preparation for your current assignment. Start by reading about qsort and lfind in our guide to stdlib or in their man pages.

    The numbers function creates an array of random numbers and sorts it into increasing order. Add a new callback to sort the array in decreasing order instead. Change the code to make two calls to qsort that sort the first half of the array into increasing order and the back half decreasing.

    The strings function reads strings from a file and prints them out. Add code to unique the strings, so that each string is only entered into the array once. You can do this using either lfind/lsearch on an unordered array or keep the array in sorted order and take advantage of the faster bsearch.

    These exercises are excellent practice for your next assignment where you will be working as a client of void* interfaces.

Check off with TA

Before you leave, complete your checkoff form and ask your lab TA to approve it so you are properly credited. If you don't complete all the exercises during the lab period, we encourage you to followup and finish the remainder on your own. Try our self-check to reflect on what you've done and how it's going.

xkcd pointers comic