Late policy

Written by Julie Zelenski

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you think, even when you take Hofstadter's Law into account."

Late policy: just the facts

  1. The cutoff for on-time submission is midnight of the due date. Late days past the due date are counted in 24-hour periods. Submitting just past midnight until midnight of the next day is one day late, and so on.
  2. By submitting by the due date, you earn the on-time bonus for that assignment, typically a ~5% perk. (the assignment writeup will specify)
  3. If you miss the due date, you have until the hard deadline to make a submission. Late submissions are accepted after the due date and up to the hard deadline. These late submissions are not penalized, but do not earn the on-time bonus.
  4. Submissions are not accepted after the hard deadline. The hard deadline is typically 2 late days past the due date, but may be restricted to fewer, or even none, on a per-assignment basis. For a given assignment, refer to its writeup to verify its hard deadline. The hard deadline is strictly enforced.

Late philosophy

The philosophy driving our late policy has three goals:

Frequently asked questions about the late policy

Do I need to make special arrangements for a late submission?

No, just submit normally. The timestamp on your submission determines the assignment's lateness.

Don't we get grace days, like we had in CS106?

The late days after due date and before hard deadline are effectively free grace days. Work submitted on-time earns a bonus, late work is treated neutrally. If you feel you would benefit from extra time, you may submit up to the hard deadline without penalty.

I'm having a scheduling crisis. What are my options for accommodation?

If slipping to the hard deadline is penalty-free, why wouldn't I just treat the hard deadline as the actual deadline?

Yes, you could submit every assignment at the hard deadline if that is your choice, but we don't recommend it. We're setting the due dates for reasonable completion and reward you for keeping pace with the schedule. If you are aiming for the due date and something unexpected comes up, you still have until the hard deadline to complete your work. If you're running up against the hard deadline and get waylaid, you are left with no recourse but to make an incomplete submission. Don't let this happen to you!