Unix Reference



Use this if you are on a Stanford lab machine in libraries, dorms, etc.

You'll type the ssh command inside the Terminal program on your Mac.

The Terminal is the Unix core of your own Mac. So you'll initially be seeing the files and programs of your own laptop, but through the lens of Unix. From there you can use the ssh command to connect to the myth machines. Just be sure to keep track in your own mind of whether you're on myth or your own laptop at any given moment! The ssh command you want to type is:

ssh [sunet]@myth.stanford.edu

where [sunet] is your SUNet ID (i.e., the name part of your stanford email address, so if your SUNet ID is cgregg, you would type ssh cgregg@myth.stanford.edu). It will ask for your password, which is your usual Stanford password.

Successful login result

If you have successfully logged in to myth, you should see something like this:

 Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux 3.13.0-106-generic amd64)
 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz, 7.73 GB RAM, 3.81 GB swap
   -> For help with your SUNetID, AFS, or class dirs call 725-HELP, or visit
   -> For problems with hardware, local software, or facilities email
   -> The myths are not for CPU-intensive workloads. For alternative
            computers see http://farmshare.stanford.edu 
   -> To logout of the console, click in the background then hit ctrl-alt-del.


The "myth7" part may name a different myth (myth1 or myth12, etc). Remember that Gates B08 contains many myth machines. When you ssh to "myth.stanford.edu" as a generic name, you are randomly assigned to one of the myths that is currently most idle (fewest other people trying to use it). This log in greeting message is simply telling you which one you were assigned. You may also ssh to a specific myth by using that myth's name (e.g., ssh cgregg@myth9.stanford.edu), but you won't need to do this until perhaps the very last assignment. The myths all share a single file system called AFS, so any files you save for yourself on one myth will appear the same on other myths.

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