Frequently Asked Questions

Based on a document by Julie Zelenski, Cynthia Lee and others

These questions mostly pertain to prospective students. Current students should see the links in the top navigation bar for more information about exams, assignments and labs. You can also use the search box at the top right to look for answers throughout our site. Still have unanswered questions? Hop on over to the Piazza forum and ask! We're happy to help.

Will the lectures be recorded and available to watch online?

CS107 is recorded when it is offered online by SCPD, as dictated by industry demand for the online offering. You can see a list of courses that are recorded by going to the SCPD website and viewing the course offerings for each quarter. In academic year 2018-19, autumn and spring quarters are scheduled to be recorded on SCPD; the other quarters are not.

I have a conflict with the lecture time. Can I watch online or get notes from a friend?

Lecture is an important part of the course and students find it most effective when they can join us in person. For this reason, we highly recommend that you wait or rearrange your schedule to permit your full participation in CS107 when you choose to take it. Enrolling in conflicting courses is disallowed by university policy. In particular, CS107 will not offer any alternate or makeup exams so you must arrange to be present for our scheduled midterm and final exams.

Do you allow auditors?

Auditors are welcome to attend lecture, access our materials, and complete labs and assignments on their own, but work cannot be handed in. We will not be able to grade work from auditors, nor be able to accommodate them in the lab sections, office hours or the online forum. To get access to the assignments as an auditor, please contact us to let us know you would like to audit the course.

How does CS107 relate to CS107E?

Both courses cover introductory computer systems with their own take. We think both courses are great! Read the CS107E FAQ for more info on how to weigh the two options.

What is CS107A?

This quarter we are offering an additional section for CS107, CS107A, also called Pathfinders (or ACE). Pathfinders is a supplementary instruction program where we meet for a weekly section and hold Pathfinders-specific review sessions. This program is part of the ACE program, and is in addition to all the normal requirements for CS107, so you still have to attend your scheduled CS107 lab even if you are a part of the program. You will receive an extra unit of course credit for the work you do in this program. You can apply to Pathfinders here.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Reynis Vazquez-Guzman at

What is the schedule for the Pathfinders section? Section is tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm, but please be aware that there may be additional review sessions scheduled (especially as exams are approaching). For the extra review sessions, we will try to work around students' schedules.

What are the requirements for Pathfinders? The main requirement is mandatory weekly section attendance. You are allowed one unexcused absence and one excused absence, which you’ll need to make up. Section will start week 2, and we will hold section every week for the rest of the quarter.

What does a typical section for Pathfinders look like? Section will be a combination of reviewing lecture material, a lot of extra practice problems, and some assignment help. The assignment help won't be debugging students' homework, but more support and tips along the way (similar to YEAH hours for CS106A or CS106B).

How do I know if I’m accepted? Pending your application is reviewed and you’re accepted to the program, Lourdes Andrade ( will follow up with you with an acceptance email.

What if I don't want to enroll in an extra unit but still want to join the supplementary section? Auditing is not permitted for this course. If you don't want an extra unit because you're already at the maximum number of units allowed, please contact Reynis about whether your course load will give you enough time to achieve your goals for CS107. CS107 is a challenging (but rewarding!) class and we want to make sure you have the time necessary to dedicate to this class.