Text on image: 'There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.'
Monday, January 10, 2022
Computer Systems
Winter 2022
Stanford University
Computer Science Department
Reading: Reader: Number Formats Used in CS 107
and Bits and BytesTextbook: Chapter 2.1
Lecturer: Chris Gregg
CS 107
Lecture 3: Bits
and Bytes
Labs start Tuesday -- you will want to watch Monday's lecture before
your lab.
Assign0 Due on Monday at 11:59pm
Assign1 Released today
Today's Topics
More on extending the bit representation of numbers
Truncating numbers
Data Sizes
Addressing and Byte Ordering
Boolean Algebra
Expanding the bit representation of a number
Sometimes we want to convert between two integers having different sizes.
E.g., a short to an int, or an int to a long.
We might not be able to convert from a bigger data type to a smaller data
type, but we do want to always be able to convert from a smaller data type
to a bigger data type.
This is easy for unsigned values: simply add leading zeros to the
representation (called "zero extension").
unsigned short s = 4;
// short is a 16-bit format, so s = 0000 0000 0000 0100b
unsigned int i = s;
// conversion to 32-bit int, so i = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100b
Expanding the bit representation of a number
For signed values, we want the number to remain the same, just with more
bits. In this case, we perform a "sign extension" by repeating the sign of the
value for the new digits. E.g.,
short s = 4;
// short is a 16-bit format, so s = 0000 0000 0000 0100b
int i = s;
// conversion to 32-bit int, so i = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100b
short s = -4;
// short is a 16-bit format, so s = 1111 1111 1111 1100b
int i = s;
// conversion to 32-bit int, so i = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100b
Sign-extension Example
// show_bytes() defined on pg. 45, Bryant and O'Halloran
int main() {
short sx = -12345; // -12345
unsigned short usx = sx; // 53191
int x = sx; // -12345
unsigned ux = usx; // 53191
printf("sx = %d:\t", sx);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &sx, sizeof(short));
printf("usx = %u:\t", usx);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &usx, sizeof(unsigned short));
printf("x = %d:\t", x);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &x, sizeof(int));
printf("ux = %u:\t", ux);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &ux, sizeof(unsigned));
return 0;
$ ./sign_extension
sx = -12345: c7 cf
usx = 53191: c7 cf
x = -12345: c7 cf ff ff
ux = 53191: c7 cf 00 00
(careful: this was printed
on the little-endian myth
Back to right shift: arithmetic -vs- logical
// show_bytes() defined on pg. 45, Bryant and O'Halloran
int main() {
int a = 1048576;
int a_rs8 = a >> 8;
int b = -1048576;
int b_rs8 = b >> 8;
printf("a = %d:\t", a);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &a, sizeof(int));
printf("a >> 8 = %d:\t", a_rs8);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &a_rs8, sizeof(int));
printf("b = %d:\t", b);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &b, sizeof(int));
printf("b >> 8 = %d:\t", b_rs8);
show_bytes((byte_pointer) &b_rs8, sizeof(int));
return 0;
$ ./right_shift
a = 1048576: 00 00 10 00
a >> 8 = 4096: 00 10 00 00
b = -1048576: 00 00 f0 ff
b >> 8 = -4096: 00 f0 ff ff
(run on a little-endian machine)
The right-shift (>>) operator
behaves differently for unsigned
and signed numbers:
Unsigned numbers are
logically-right shifted (by
shifting in 0s, always)
Signed numbers are
arithmetically-right shifted (by
shifting in the sign bit)
Truncating Numbers: Signed
What if we want to reduce the
number of bits that a number
holds? E.g.
int x = 53191;
short sx = (short) x;
int y = sx;
What happens here? Let's look at the bits in x (a 32-bit int), 53191:
0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 1111 1100 0111
When we cast x to a short, it only has 16-bits, and C truncates the
1100 1111 1100 0111
What is this number in decimal? Well, it must be negative (b/c of the initial
1), and it is -12345.
Truncating Numbers: Signed
What if we want to reduce the
number of bits that a number
holds? E.g.
int x = 53191; // 53191
short sx = (short) x; // -12345
int y = sx;
This is a form of overflow! We have altered the value of the number.
Be careful!
We don't have enough bits to store the int in the short for the value we
have in the int, so the strange values occur.
What is y above? We are converting a short to an int, so we sign-extend,
and we get -12345!
1100 1111 1100 0111 becomes
Play around here: http://www.convertforfree.com/twos-complement-calculator/
1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 1111 1100 0111
Truncating Numbers: Signed
If the number does fit into the
smaller representation in the
current form, it will convert just
int x = -3; // -3
short sx = (short) -3; // -3
int y = sx; // -3
x: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1101 becomes
Play around here: http://www.convertforfree.com/twos-complement-calculator/
sx: 1111 1111 1111 1101
Truncating Numbers: Unsigned
We can also lose information
with unsigned numbers:
unsigned int x = 128000;
unsigned short sx = (short) x;
unsigned int y = sx;
Bit representation for x = 128000 (32-bit unsigned int):
0000 0000 0000 0001 1111 0100 0000 0000
Truncated unsigned short sx:
1111 0100 0000 0000
which equals 62464 decimal.
Converting back to an unsigned int, y = 62464
Overflow in Unsigned Addition
When integer operations overflow in C, the runtime does not produce an error:
#include<limits.h> // for UINT_MAX
int main() {
unsigned int a = UINT_MAX;
unsigned int b = 1;
unsigned int c = a + b;
printf("a = %u\n",a);
printf("b = %u\n",b);
printf("a + b = %u\n",c);
return 0;
$ ./unsigned_overflow
a = 4294967295
b = 1
a + b = 0
Technically, unsigned integers in C don't
overflow, they just wrap. You need to be
aware of the size of your numbers. Here is
one way to test if an addition will fail:
// for addition
#include <limits.h>
unsigned int a = <something>;
unsigned int x = <something>;
if (a > UINT_MAX - x) /* `a + x` would overflow */;
Image of Gagnam Style YouTube video from July 15, 2012 with a view count of -2143713089
Overflow in Signed Addition
Signed overflow wraps around to the negative numbers:
YouTube fell into this trap their view counter was a signed, 32-bit int. They
fixed it after it was noticed, but for a while, the view count for Gangnam Style
(the first video with over INT_MAX number of views) was negative.
Article from ArsTechnica with the headline 'Google fixes nightmare Android bug that stopped user from calling 911'. Subtext is 'An integer overflow/underflow crash lets misbehaving apps lock users out of 911.'
Overflow in Signed Addition
In the news on January 5, 2022 (!):
Overflow in Signed Addition
Signed overflow wraps around to the negative numbers.
$ ./signed_overflow
a = 2147483647
b = 1
a + b = -2147483648
#include<limits.h> // for INT_MAX
int main() {
int a = INT_MAX;
int b = 1;
int c = a + b;
printf("a = %d\n",a);
printf("b = %d\n",b);
printf("a + b = %d\n",c);
return 0;
Technically, signed integers in C produce
undefined behavior when they overflow. On
two's complement machines (virtually all
machines these days), it does overflow
predictably. You can test to see if your addition
will be correct:
// for addition
#include <limits.h>
int a = <something>;
int x = <something>;
if ((x > 0) && (a > INT_MAX - x)) /* `a + x` would overflow */;
if ((x < 0) && (a < INT_MIN - x)) /* `a + x` would underflow */;
Data Sizes
List of C signed and unsigned types and their respective bitwidths in a 32-bit and 64-bit machine. char/unsigned char: 1-byte on 32-bit machine/1 byte on a 64-bit machine. short/unsigned short: 2/2. int/unsigned int: 4/4. long/unsigned long: 4/8. int32_t/uint32_t: 4/4. int64_t/uint64_t: 8/8. char* 4/8. float: 4/4. double: 8/8.
Data Sizes
We found out above that on the
myth computers, the int
representation is comprised of
32-bits, or four 8-bit bytes. but
the C language does not
mandate this. To the right is
Figure 2.3 from your textbook:
List of C signed and unsigned types and their respective bitwidths in a 32-bit and 64-bit machine. char/unsigned char: 1-byte on 32-bit machine/1 byte on a 64-bit machine. short/unsigned short: 2/2. int/unsigned int: 4/4. long/unsigned long: 4/8. int32_t/uint32_t: 4/4. int64_t/uint64_t: 8/8. char* 4/8. float: 4/4. double: 8/8.
Data Sizes
There are guarantees on the
lower-bounds for type sizes,
but you should expect that the
myth machines will have the
numbers in the 64-bit column.
List of C signed and unsigned types and their respective bitwidths in a 32-bit and 64-bit machine. char/unsigned char: 1-byte on 32-bit machine/1 byte on a 64-bit machine. short/unsigned short: 2/2. int/unsigned int: 4/4. long/unsigned long: 4/8. int32_t/uint32_t: 4/4. int64_t/uint64_t: 8/8. char* 4/8. float: 4/4. double: 8/8.
Data Sizes
You can be guaranteed the
sizes for int32_t (4 bytes)
and int64_t (8 bytes)
List of C signed and unsigned types and their respective bitwidths in a 32-bit and 64-bit machine. char/unsigned char: 1-byte on 32-bit machine/1 byte on a 64-bit machine. short/unsigned short: 2/2. int/unsigned int: 4/4. long/unsigned long: 4/8. int32_t/uint32_t: 4/4. int64_t/uint64_t: 8/8. char* 4/8. float: 4/4. double: 8/8.
Data Sizes
We briefly mentioned unsigned
types on the first day of class.
These are integer types that
are strictly positive.
By default, integer types are
List of C signed and unsigned types and their respective bitwidths in a 32-bit and 64-bit machine. char/unsigned char: 1-byte on 32-bit machine/1 byte on a 64-bit machine. short/unsigned short: 2/2. int/unsigned int: 4/4. long/unsigned long: 4/8. int32_t/uint32_t: 4/4. int64_t/uint64_t: 8/8. char* 4/8. float: 4/4. double: 8/8.
Data Sizes
C allows a variety of ways to
order keywords to define a
type. The following all have the
same meaning:
unsigned long
unsigned long int
long unsigned
long unsigned int
two images, '32-bit' and '64-bit'
Addressing and Byte Ordering
On the myth machines, pointers are 64-bits long, meaning that a program can
"address" up to 264 bytes of memory, because each byte is individually addressable.
This is a lot of memory! It is 16 exabytes, or 1.84 x 1019 bytes. Older, 32-bit
machines could only address 232 bytes, or 4 Gigabytes.
64-bit machines can address 4 billion times more memory than 32-bit machines...
Machines will not need to address more than 264 bytes of memory for a long, long
Addressing and Byte Ordering
We've already talked about the fact that a memory address (pointer) points to a
particular byte. But, what if we want to store a data type that has more than one
The int type on our machines is 4 bytes long. So, how is a byte stored in memory?
We have choices!
First, let's talk about the ordering of the bytes in a 4-byte hex number. We can
represent an ints as 8-digit hex numbers:
We can separate out the bytes:
0x 01 23 45 67
Addressing and Byte Ordering
01 23 45 67
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
--------- --------- --------- ---------
most significant least significant
Some machines choose to store the bytes ordered from least significant byte to most significant byte, called “little endian” (because the “little end” comes first).
Other machines choose to store the bytes ordered from most significant byte to least significant byte, called “big endian” (b
Addressing and Byte Ordering
Our 0x01234567 number would look like this in memory for a little endian computer (which, by the way, is the way the myth computers store in
A big-endian representation would look like this:
Many times we don’t care how our integers are stored, but in cs107 we will! Let’s look at a sample program and dig under the hood to see how little
byte: 67 45 23 01
address: 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103
byte: 01 23 45 67
address: 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103
icon for Terminal
Addressing and Byte Ordering
Our 0x01234567 number would look like this in memory for a little endian computer (which, by the way, is the way the myth computers store in
address: 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103
value: 67 45 23 01
A big-endian representation would look like this:
address: 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103
value: 01 23 45 67
Many times we don’t care how our integers are stored, but in cs107
we will! Let’s look at a sample program and dig under the hood to see
how little-endian works.
Addressing and Byte Ordering
int main() {
// a variable
int a = 0x01234567;
// print the variable in big endian format
printf("a's value: 0x%.8x\n",a);
return 0;
Addressing and Byte Ordering
$ gcc -g -O0 -std=gnu99 big_endian.c -o big_endian
$ ./big_endian
a's value: 0x01234567
$ gdb big_endian
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.3) 7.7.1
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400535: file big_endian.c, line 6.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /afs/.ir.stanford.edu/users/c/g/cgregg/107/lectures/lecture2_bits_bytes_continued/big_endian
Breakpoint 1, main () at big_endian.c:6
6 int a = 0x01234567;
(gdb) n
9printf("a's value: 0x%08x\n",a);
(gdb) p/x a
$1 = 0x1234567
(gdb) p &a
$2 = (int *) 0x7fffffffe98c
(gdb) x/16bx &a
0x7fffffffe98c: 0x67 0x45 0x23 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x7fffffffe994: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x45 0x2f 0xa3 0xf7
Note the ordering: 0x01234567 is stored as Little Endian!
3 Minute Break!
Boolean Algebra
logic gate symbols and truth tables for NOT, AND, OR, and XOR.
Boolean Algebra
Because computers store values in binary, we need to learn about boolean
algebra. Most of you have already studied this in some form in math classes
before, but we are going to quantify it and discuss it in the context of
computing and programming.
We can define Boolean algebra over a 2-element set, 0 and 1, where 0
represents false and 1 represents true.
The symbols are: ~for NOT, &for AND, |for OR, and ^for "exclusive or,"
which means that if one and only one of the values is true, the expression is
Boolean Algebra
Be careful! There are logical analogs to some of these that you have used in
C++ and other programming languages: !(logical NOT), && (logical AND),
and || (logical OR), but we are now talking about bit operations that result
in 0 or 1 for each bit in a number.
The bitwise operators use single character representations for AND and OR,
not double-characters.
Boolean Algebra
When a boolean operator is applied to two numbers (or, in the case of ~, a
single number), the operator is applied to the corresponding bits in each
number. For example:
& 1100
| 1100
^ 1100
~ 1100
Boolean Algebra: Mystery Function
Let's look at a mystery function!
$ ./mystery 4 5
// mystery1.c
void mystery(int *x, int *y) {
if (x != y) {
*y = *x ^ *y;
*x = *x ^ *y;
*y = *x ^ *y;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int x = atoi(argv[1]);
int y = atoi(argv[2]);
printf("x:%d, y:%d\n",x,y);
printf("x:%d, y:%d\n",x,y);
return 0;
Boolean Algebra: Mystery Function
Let's look at a mystery function!
// mystery1.c
void mystery(int *x, int *y) {
if (x != y) {
*y = *x ^ *y;
*x = *x ^ *y;
*y = *x ^ *y;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int x = atoi(argv[1]);
int y = atoi(argv[2]);
printf("x:%d, y:%d\n",x,y);
printf("x:%d, y:%d\n",x,y);
return 0;
$ ./mystery 4 5
x:4, y:5
x:5, y:4
This relies on the fact that x^x == 0,
and the associativity and commutativity
of the exclusive or function.
Incidentally, if you XOR a number with
all 1s, you get the complement!
Boolean Algebra: Operations on bit flags
We can represent finite sets with bit vectors, where we can perform set functions
such as union, intersection, and complement. For example:
bit vector a = [01101001] encodes the set A = {0,3,5,6} (reading the 1 positions
from right to left, with #0 being the right-most, #7 being the left-most)
bit vector b = [01010101] encodes the set B = {0,2,4,6}
The |operator produces a set union:
a | b → [01111101], or A B = {0,2,3,4,5,6}
The &operator produces a set intersection:
a & b → [01000001], or A ∩ B = {0,6}
Boolean Algebra: Bit Masking
A common use of bit-level operations is to implement masking operations, where
a mask is a bit pattern that will be used to choose a selected set of bits in a word.
For example, the mask of 0xFF means the lowest byte in an integer. To get the
low-order byte out of an integer, we simply use the bitwise AND operator with the
int j = 0x89ABCDEF;
int k = j & 0xFF; // k now holds the value 0xEF,
// which is the low-order byte of j
A useful expression is ~0, which makes an integer with all 1s, regardless of the
size of the integer.
Boolean Algebra: Bit Masking
Challenge 2: write an expression that complements all but the least significant
byte of j, with the least significant byte unchanged. E.g.
0x87654321 0x789ABC21
Challenge 1: write an expression that sets the least significant byte to all ones,
and all other bytes of the number (assume it is the variable j) left unchanged E.g.
0x87654321 0x876543FF
Possible answer: j ^ ~0xFF
Possible answer: j | 0xFF
Boolean Algebra: Shift Operations
C provides operations to shift bit patterns to the left and to the right.
The << operator moves the bits to the left, replacing the lower order bits with
zeros and dropping any values that would be bigger than the type can hold:
x << k will shift xto the left by knumber of bits.
Examples for an 8-bit binary number:
00110111 << 2 returns 11011100
01100011 << 4 returns 00110000
10010101 << 4 returns 01010000
Boolean Algebra: Shift Operations
There are actually two flavors of right shift, which work differently depending on
the value and type of the number you are shifting.
A logical right shift moves the values to the right, replacing the upper bits with 0s.
An arithmetic right shift moves the values to the right, replacing the upper bits with
a copy of the most significant bit. This may seem weird! But, we will see why this
is useful soon!
Examples for an 8-bit binary number:
Logical right shift:
00110111 >> 2 returns 00001101
10110111 >> 2 returns 00101101
01100011 >> 4 returns 00000110
10010101 >> 4 returns 00001001
Examples for an 8-bit binary number:
Artithmetic right shift:
00110111 >> 2 returns 00001101
10110111 >> 2 returns 11101101
01100011 >> 4 returns 00000110
10010101 >> 4 returns 11111001
Shift Operation Pitfalls
There are two important things you need to consider when using the shift
1. The C standard does not precisely define whether a right shift for signed
integers is logical or arithmetic. Almost all compilers / machines use arithmetic
shifts for signed integers, and you can most likely assume this. Don't be
surprised if some Internet pedant yells at you about it some day. :) All unsigned
integers will always use a logical right shift (more on this later!)
2. Operator precedence can be tricky! Example:
1<<2 + 3<<4 means this: 1 << (2 + 3) << 4, because addition and
subtraction have a higher precedence than shifts!
Always parenthesize to be sure:
(1<<2) + (3<<4)
Let's take a look at lots of examples:
If you want to try the examples out yourself. On myth:
$ cd CS107
$ cp -r /afs/ir/class/cs107/lecture-code/lect3 .
cd lect3
ls # to see the files
References and Advanced Reading
argc and argv: http://crasseux.com/books/ctutorial/argc-and-argv.html
The C Language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
Kernighan and Ritchie (K&R) C: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de2Hsvxaf8M
C Standard Library: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/
Advanced Reading:
After All These Years, the World is Still Powered by C Programming
Is C Still Relevant in the 21st Century?
Why Every Programmer Should Learn C