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CS107 - Looking Back

At the start of the quarter, we laid out the following learning goals that we hoped to achieve:

The goals for CS107 are for students to gain mastery of to achieve competence in and have exposure to

Here's a look back at how we worked to achieve these learning goals via the different topics we covered, and why they're important.

Unix, Command Line and C

How can we use the command line and C to write, compile and run our programs?

Writing, Testing, Debugging and Profiling Code
(gdb) b myFunc
(gdb) r input.txt

How can we write programs with good style, create comprehensive test cases and use tools such as GDB and Valgrind to debug and profile our code?

Topic 1: Bits and Bytes

How can a computer represent integer numbers?

Topic 2: Chars and C-Strings

How can a computer represent and manipulate more complex data like text?

Topic 3: Pointers, Stack and Heap

How can we effectively manage all types of memory in our programs?

Topic 4: Generics
void *ptr
memcpy(dst, src, size)

How can we use our knowledge of memory and data representation to write code that works with any data type?

Topic 5: Assembly
mov %rax, %rbx
test %rbx, %rbx
jle 0xffe2c

How does a computer interpret and execute C programs?

Topic 6: Heap Allocators

How do core memory-allocation operations like malloc and free work?

Interwoven Topic: Ethics

How do we act responsibly in maintaining security, protecting privacy, and ensuring warranted trust in the systems we build and maintain?