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CS107 - Continuing With CS107 Work

Here is how you can continue to work on CS107 material and assignments after the quarter ends.

Discussion Forum and Myth Access

The discussion forum will still be accessible after the quarter ends, but the course staff is not able to provide course support or monitor the forum after the quarter ends. All Stanford students have access to the Myth machines, and all your files will be preserved if you'd like to save them or continue working on them.

If you wish to save any files from myth offline, you can zip up the folder on myth that you want to download:

zip -r myfolder.zip myfolder
This says "zip up everything in myfolder and store it as myfolder.zip". Then, visit https://afs.stanford.edu (this is a website where you can see all your files on AFS, the file system used by Myth). You can download your ZIP file from there.

Canvas Video Access

The Canvas access policy means that access to Canvas videos will end after the quarter is over. All videos are downloadable until the end of the quarter.


Floats (floating point numbers) was a topic that we unfortunately did not have time to cover this quarter. Floating point numbers are a really interesting topic covering how we can represent fractional numbers in binary. Similar to integer representations, we have to figure out a way to map base-10 numbers to binary. Floats are a great case study in designing a data type and juggling tradeoffs. You can click here for a float lecture from a prior offering of CS107 taught by Chris Gregg.

Floats Assignment

In past quarters, assignment 5 was an assignment on floating point numbers and also an introduction to assembly (which comes before assignment 6, which was our assignment 5). If you're interested, you can find the assignment spec for the floats assignment by clicking here: assignment 5. If you'd like to clone a copy of the starter project to work through on your own, use the following command instead of the one mentioned in that spec:
git clone /usr/class/archive/cs/cs107/cs107.1204/repos/assign5/guest floats-assign5