
    The wording in the late day policy might be a little confusing. It is supposed to mean that there will be an nk total late day charge per group (where n is the number of late days and k is the number of people in the group). Usually n late days are assessed to each team member, but the nk late days can be divvied up whatever way the group choses (i.e., if a group of 3 turns it in 2 days late the group is charged 6 late days of which 2 can be charged to each member or all 6 can be charged to one member, etc.).
  • [May 18, 2004] There will be no more sections for the rest of the quarter. Use the extra time for your final project!
  • [May 18, 2004] Homework #7 has been modified. You will only be graded on problems 2, 3, and 4. Do not do problem 1.
  • [May 11, 2004] Hey - there is now an online version of the Final Project Guidelines.
  • [May 6, 2004] There is a typo on HW #6. The URL for more information on the sentence time flies like an arrow is actually This has been changed on the online version of the assignment.
  • [May 6, 2004] Just to clarify, the written homework assignments must be done individually (there are only 2 programming projects - the parser and the word sense disambiguator - which are not to be done individually). What this means is that you can discuss the problem in groups but that each person must work through the assignment themselves and do their own write-up. Working in groups is definitely a good thing. Just be sure to follow the instructions on homework collaboration found in the Course Information handout.
  • [May 6, 2004] In general, the solutions for the homeworks can be found as links from the syllabus.
  • [April 28, 2004] The WSD programming project is due TODAY AT 5PM.
  • [April 28, 2004] The solutions for both HW #1 and HW #2 can be gotten from a link on the syllabus. Look under "OUT" for the day that the homework was handed back.
  • [April 26, 2004] The textbook is now in the bookstore!
  • [Apr 21, 2004] Some of the WSD data had inaccuracies (i.e. the word 'bar'), and new data has been uploaded to the afs system. If you've copied the data already, you are suggested to recopy the data.
  • [Apr 19, 2004] FINAL PROJECTS
  • [Apr 19, 2004] The textbook still hasn't arrived at the bookstore. It was shipped out last Fri (Apr 16) so it will hopefully arrive soon. Until then, there will be photocopies of the relevant chapters of the book available in class - with extra copies outside of Gates 418.
  • [Apr 14, 2004] Two new assignments were passed out today. Hw #3 on n-gram models is due next Wednesday, April 21. Hw #4 on word sense disambiguation is due on Wednesday, April 28. This gives you two weeks to work on this programming project. Get started soon and win the contest!
  • [Apr 8, 2004] Problem 4 in Hmk #2 - (Leftcorner attach) - there shouldn't be an apostrope at the end of the problem - instead, this should be a gamma-bar!
  • [Apr 7, 2004]New Homework - we passed out Homework #2 today.
    1. If you have any questions about this new homework, please be sure to FIRST CHECK THE FAQs and then email the staff at This is the fastest way to get your questions answered!!
    2. This homework has two parts - a programming section and a written section. Each section has different rules about collaborating with others. Please re-read the Homework Collaboration Policy
    3. CKY Parser - the algorithm for a CKY parser was discussed in class today. There was a handout which is not available electronically. If you need a copy of this handout, please pick one up outside of Chris Manning's office (Gates 418)
    4. You can also get a hard copy of the assignment in front of Gates 418, or an electronic version from the link on the syllabus.
  • [Apr 7, 2004] Homework #1 due by 5pm! You can put the homework in the box in front of Chris Manning's office (Gates 418).
  • [Apr 7, 2004] All handouts that can be accessed electronically have a link in the online syllabus. The handouts that are not available electronically can be found outside Chris Manning's office (Gates 418)