Final Project Proposal This will not be graded, but is required to encourage you to get organized early, and to work out what focused project you are working on. It is also a chance for dialog between the instructors and the team. You can tell us what you plan to do, anything you have achieved so far, and what you hope to achieve in the rest of the quarter. We can give you extra references, and also information on whether we think the scope of the project is too small or too big. So please do think about what you will do and have something focused and concrete ready to submit. This milestone is to put some uniform structure into the process, but beyond that, we really encourage you to stop by one of our office hours to discuss projects in person. That allows longer and more productive discussion of projects. Talking about project plans is a particularly good place to get useful feedback and information from the course staff. The project progress report should be around one page/screenful of text and is best organized around these 5 paragraphs: - Problem being investigated - Approach/plan - Any achievements so far and/or relevant references found - Plan of work for the remainder of the quarter - How you will evaluate what you are building Please give the name and email addresses of everyone in the group in the message -- this will make it easier for us to send the feedback to everyone in the group. If (some of) you are doing a joint project with CS221/229, directed research or whatever, clearly state so. Please send it as a plain text email (i.e., not an attached document) to