Date: 3/21 (Wed) 5:30-8:30 PM PST.
Location: McCaw Hall at the Alumni Center
Facebook Event (please join!)

Action Items

All submissions are one per a team, not one per a person.
  • If you can't make some or all of the poster session (e.g., SCPD students), fill out this Google form by midnight on Wednesday 3/14
  • If your team can't make the poster session: submit a link to your youtube video presentation using this Google form by midnight on Tuesday 3/20
  • Poster session: Wednesday 3/21, 5:30-8:30pm
  • (If you attended the poster session rather than doing a video): submit a PDF of your poster to gradescope by: midnight on Wednesday 3/21


During the poster session, you will present the work you've done for your final project. The poster session is worth 3% of your grade in the class (with the rest of your final project being worth 32%). We ask that you arrive 15-30 minutes early so you have time to check in and set up. The event will be organized into two sessions. You will be assigned to present during one of the sessions. During the other one you can look around and see the great work your classmates have done! You will also have an assigned location where you will put your poster. We will announce the locations and session assignments a few days before the poster session happens. We will provide poster boards and easels for you, but you must print out your own poster. Light food will be provided during the poster session.

If you can't make one of the sessions, we will assign you to the other one. If you can't make either one (i.e., you are an SCPD student or have an unavoidable conflict), you can send us a short video explaining your project instead of making a poster (more details below). We will be playing the videos during the session so others can see your work. If you can't make one or both sessions, you most notify us by filling out the Google form by Wednesday 3/14.

Lots of people not in the class will attend the poster session, including other members of the computer science department and representatives from companies who are sponsoring the event. Practice your 30-second pitch. We're anticipating this to be a big event - so get excited! We also will award prizes for the best posters/videos! Both choose-your-own and default final projects are eligible for prizes.


Check-in: 5:00-5:30
Session A: 5:30-6:45
Break and Swap Posters: 6:45-7:00
Session B: 7:00-8:15
Award Ceremony: 8:15-8:30

Poster Guidlines

We will be providing you at least a 20x30 inch flat posterboard (with no flaps), an easel, and push pins. You can go to Lathrop or Fedex to print out the entire poster in one nice contiguous sheet. Make sure to submit the job early so that they have enough time to print your poster. The purpose of the poster is to support your presentation of your work and to have enough information available to answer questions that people might ask. You can find some general tips here. Make sure you have big font (we suggest no less than 24 pt), and large clear graphs and result tables. It is very important you include annotated graphs and tables and not just blocks of text. To give you an idea about how you would go about structuring your poster, we have included below a sample outline. Try to include most of those elements in your poster and feel free to change the sequence of the following sections.

Problem Statement / Background.
  • What is the phenomenon/area you are looking at?
  • Why is this phenomenon/area interesting? (applications, importance, impact)
  • Rough summary of previous approaches and limitations. (a few bullet points 2~3).
  • Briefly describe the datasets used (e.g. one sentence summary).
  • Give some basic dataset statistics that are relevant to the project. Mention anything interesting, unusual, or surprising about your dataset.
  • Describe the main methods/algorithms (high level). A picture describing your model goes a long way!
  • If you have space add a small example (toy case) that gives intuition about how the method works.
Experimental Evaluation and Findings
  • Report your findings and comment on them (error analysis, which methods work best, visualizations, etc.). If there is prior work, compare with it.
Conclusion/Future Directions
  • Draw conclusions from your results and connect it to your original goals.
  • How would you extend this work and what question does it raise?

If you can't make part of the poster session

If you can't make one of the two sessions, let us know through this Google form by 3/14 and we will make sure you are presenting during the other one.

If your team can't make the whole poster session

If you can't make the whole session, please notify us using this Google form by 3/14. Instead of submitting a poster, you will make a 3-5 minute video explaining your work. The easiest way to do this is to make some slides, and then to make a screencast where you record the screen and you talking (but your face doesn't appear). Lots of software can do this (search for "screencast"). You can do something fancier if you want, but this is a quite sufficient way to do it. We ask that you post your video to youtube (it can be an unlisted video if you don't want it public) so we can easily view the video and show them during the poster session. Send us a link to your video through this Google form. This is intended for SCPD students and students with unavoidable conflicts, otherwise please go to the poster session. If you are an SCPD student but would still like to go to the poster session in-person instead of doing a video, you are of course welcome to!