Logistics FAQ for CS193J

Last modified: July 9, 2003 12:15:08 PM PDT

  • How do I ssh into leland machines? How do I transfer files to leland machines?.
  • How can I get an X desktop on my windows box?
  • How do I do XYZ in UNIX?

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    How do I ssh into leland machines? How do I transfer files to leland machines?.


    To login securely into the leland machines from your windows box, you can use use Secure CRT. You can get the latest version from the essential stanford software page. This page also provides a link to Secure FX which can be used to securely transfer files to leland machines. More info about secure file transfers is available here.
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    How can I get an X desktop on my windows box?


    You can use VNC for this purpose, as demonstrated by Manu in class.
    • Login to a leland machine (using Secure CRT) and run the command vncserver as follows:
      elaine33:~> vncserver
    • The first time it will ask you for a password. From the second time on, it will give you the desktop number as follows:
      New 'X' desktop is elaine33.Stanford.EDU:4
    • Launch the vnc viewer on your m/c. (The viewer can be downloaded from here).
    • When prompted for the server, enter the machine name and number that vnc server gave you (elaine33.Stanford.EDU:4 for this example.)
    • It will then prompt you for a password. Enter the same password you entered the first time you ran vncserver.
    • After this, your X desktop should show up.
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    How do I do XYZ in UNIX?


    See here for a summary of basic UNIX commands.
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