Welcome To CS193q

Lecture-1 notes: lecture-1

code1.zip - code examples and exercises lecture-1

Today homework: exercise1.py

Lecture-2 notes: lecture-2

code2.zip - code example / exercise

Today homework: exercise2.py

Lecture-3 notes: lecture-3

code3.zip - code examples and lecture-3

Lecture-4 notes: lecture-4

code4.zip - code examples


-Exercise: Printly

-Exercise: Crypto

Finally do one of these, your choice...
-Tiptop (suggestion: read_tags() and print_tags() functions)
-Concordance (more challenging)

Due date for everything = (end of week 6). You can come to Nick or Ngoc's office hours, listed off the CS106A page. You could get an extension, but really it's going to be better to just wrap this up before the end of the quarter. Please mention cs193q in any emails, so we don't mix you up with CS106A students.

Turn In Link

Later in the quarter we will have the turn-in link for your homeworks here. For now just hold on to your completed exercises.
