The course notes will be available online before the lectures.
An additional reading list will be prescribed with the lectures. Also there will also be some guest lecturers during the course to cover specific topics.
Representing knowledge symbolically in a form suitable for automated reasoning, and
associated reasoning methods.
Combines formal algorithmic analysis with a description of recent applications.
Prerequisites: familiarity with basic notions in data structures and with techniques in algorithm design and analysis.
Computational logic (CS157 or equivalent).
Recommended: previous or concurrent course in AI. Knowledge of Lisp or Prolog programming.
The course work will consist of assignments a mideterm and a final exam. While portions of the assignments will be conceptual, the project-oriented section of the
assignment will require implementation work using a specific knowledge representation and
reasoning system.
Homework & Grading Policy
- Homeworks (40%)
Due Date: Homeworks are due in class or by 5pm in the cs227 file cabinet
in the first floor lobby on the due date.
Late Policy: Each student is allowed up to two late days that
may be applied to any homework. Note that you can use
at most one day for each homework assignment.
Please state on your homework whether you have used a late day or not.
These extensions are there for the purposes of emergencies, medical or otherwise.
Apart from this, there will be no other extensions given out,
except under extreme circumstances (If you feel this is the case, contact the staff ASAP).
Homeworks will NOT be accepted more than a day after the deadline without prior course staff approval.
- Collaboration Policy: Under the Honor Code at Stanford,
each of you is expected to submit your own work in this course.
On many occasions, however, it is useful to work with other students
or to ask for general advice from the course staff or other experts.
Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged,
but you must indicate any collaboration or assistance on your solution sets.
Any collaboration or assistance that is not given proper citation
may be considered a violation of the Honor Code.
Midterm (25%)
Date & Time: Wednesday, May 4, 6:00-8:00pm.
Location: Herrin T175.
Test Policy: Closed Book/Notes.
Final (35%)
Date & Time: Monday, June 6, 7-10pm.
Location: Gates B12
Test Policy: Closed Book/Notes.
Prof. Vinay K. Chaudhri
Office Hours: TBA
Zahra Mohammadi Zadeh
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:10-4:10, Gates B28
Luke Anderson
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2-4pm (after class), Gates B24A
Please use Piazzza to ask questions about the assignments
or the course materials.