Eraser: Reading Question

You want to use Eraser on some code that you wrote in 2010. This code makes use of variables that are both smaller and larger than the 32-bit variables that Eraser was created to track. Without modifying Eraser, will Eraser accurately detect:

  1. …races for variables smaller than 32-bits?
  2. …races for variables larger than 32-bits?

Why or why not? Explain what leads to accurate detection or false positives/negatives in each case.


Local Stanford students should write up their response on a sheet of paper that includes their name. The sheet of paper with the response should be submitted immediately before lecture.

SCPD students should write up their response in a text file named response.eraser.txt and upload it via the submission and grades page. You’ll need to sign in with your SUNetID to access the page. Ensure that the file is named exactly response.eraser.txt; other filenames will not be accepted.

In either case, the response should be short, likely only a pithy paragraph in length.


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