CS240 (Spring 2020)

Advanced Topics in Operating Systems

Reading List

There is no textbook for this course. The course is based on a collection of journal and conference papers that describe the history and state of the art in operating systems. Lectures are pre-recorded and up on Canvas and in the videos the papers are discussed in approximately the order that they appear on the reading list below. You are required to read the papers listed in each class slot before watching videos/going to office hours. Professor Engler plans on holding office hours during the alloted class period so look for Zoom/Google Hangout link on the Google Group and over email.

Week Tuesday Thursday

Latest News

Tuesday, April 6, 2020

Welcome to CS240! The lecture videos are pre-recorded up on Canvas and you can start watching them there. Professor Engler is planning to hold office hours during the class period so please look for Zoom link in upcoming email/Google Group. We are still working on setting up the course website for the 2020 edition, so stay tuned for more information. You can always reach us at cs240-spr1920-staff@lists.stanford.edu.


Tuesday and Thursday
4:30 p.m. to 5:50 p.m.


Join the CS240 Google Group.

Please sign up with your Stanford email, if possible.


Submit your Reading Question responses on Gradescope using entry code MEDGVY.

Please sign up with your Stanford email, if possible.

Staff List


Dawson Engler
Office Hours:
4:30 p.m. to 5:50 pm (During allotted Class time)

Nikka Mofid
Course Assistant
Office Hours:
During class time
Extra Office Hours As Needed

Previous Terms

Spring 2019
Spring 2018
Spring 2017
Spring 2016
Spring 2015
Spring 2014
Winter 2013
Spring 2013
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2010