
Language is central to educational interactions; analyzing it can serve as a way to discover, measure, and facilitate the use of high-leverage teaching practices. Automating linguistic analysis via natural language processing (NLP) can enable tools that support educators. Such tools can provide educators with feedback on their classroom instruction, help them craft lesson plans, facilitate formative assessment, scale their support for students, among many other applications. This course offers the opportunity to understand the possibilities and the limitations of using NLP to support instruction. The course will cover topics including principles of computational social science research, ethics, bias and fairness in using NLP for education, translating expert measurement into automated scoring, large language models for education, among others. The course is centered on engaging with relevant papers and working towards a final project. The final project will allow students to dive deeper into a research question in this area, approach it from a critical social scientific lens and learn and apply NLP methods to address the question. At the end of the course, students will pitch their projects to a jury of educators.

✨ We thank Hanna Crowe, Nicole Elenz-Martin, Sergio Estrada, Taylor Pacheco, Kavitha Satya-Mohandoss, Jesus Rojas for serving as teacher reviewers and providing feedback on student project pitches. ✨

CS293 classes will be a mix of lectures followed by discussion sessions led by students during our class meetings.


Note: tentative schedule is subject to change.
🔎 Means that the paper will be a core part of the lecture.
🌟 Means that the paper will be the focus of reading discussions.

All homework assignments will be hosted on this GitHub repository.

Week Date Theme Course Material
1 Sep 27
Class Introduction
Optional Readings:
2 Oct 2
Discovery & Exploration in Educational Language Data
Parsing, Lexical Analyses
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
2 Oct 4
Discovery & Exploration in Educational Language Data
Topic Modeling, Clustering

Required Reading: Optional Reading:
3 Oct 9
Guest Lecture by Michael Madaio
Bias & Fairness in AI for Education

HW1 due on Tuesday at 11:59pm
Download the homework here.
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
3 Oct 11
Using NLP for Educational Measurement
Grounded Discovery, Data Annotation
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
4 Oct 16
Using NLP for Educational Measurement
Model Development

Project Rationale due on Tuesday at 11:59pm
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
4 Oct 18
Using NLP for Educational Measurement
Measure Validation
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
5 Oct 23
Generative Language Models for Education
Case Study: Teacher Feedback

HW2 due on Tueday at 11:59pm
Download the homework here.
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
5 Oct 25
Guest Lecture by Katie Keith
Causal Effect Estimation with Text Data
Required Reading: Optional Reading
6 Oct 30
Practice Pitches No Reading
6 Nov 1
Practice Pitches No Reading
7 Nov 6
Project Work Session!

Readings: Using LLMs for Student Assessment and Feedback

Experimental Protocol due on Tuesday at 11:59pm
Optional Reading:
7 Nov 8
Designing NLP Tools for Empowering Teachers in the Real World

Q&A with Rakiya Brown from TeachFX
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
8 Nov 13
Deploying NLP Tools To Empower Teachers
Experimental Design & Evaluation

HW3 due on Monday at 11:59pm
Download the homework here.
Required Reading:
  • 🌟 Demszky, D., Wang, Rose E., Yu, C., Geraghty, S. (in preparation). Does Feedback on Talk Time Increase Student Engagement? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial on a Math Tutoring Platform. Working Paper
  • 🔎 Demszky, D., Liu, J., Hill, H. C., Jurafsky, D., & Piech, C. (2023). Can automated feedback improve teachers’ uptake of student ideas? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in a large-scale online course. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 01623737231169270.
Optional Reading:
8 Nov 15
Round 2 Practice Pitches No reading
Nov 20 & Nov 22 Thanksgiving Break
9 Nov 27
Guest Lecture by Diane Litman
Required Reading: Optional Reading:
9 Nov 29
Frontiers and Open Questions Required Reading:
10 Dec 4
Final Pitches No Reading
10 Dec 6
Final Pitches

Final paper due on Tuesday, Dec 12 at 11:59pm
No Reading


Course Info

Office Hours


Academic Accommodations

Well-Being, Stress Management, & Mental Health