
This assignment will walk you through the steps to run Regent on the class GCP cluster. After completing this assignment, you should be able to log in to the cluster, write a simple job script, and run Regent on mulitple nodes.

Connecting to GCP

You should have received an email with your username and password. Please log in to the cluster using the password provided and the following command: ssh <your-user-name> You may want to change your password after logging in. You can do so with the passwd command.

Installing Regent

Regent is already installed and ready to run on the cluster. However, if you would like to install it locally on your laptop for easier debugging and development, you can follow the instructions below. If you plan on doing all of your development on the cluster, you can skip this section.

Installing Regent locally on your Mac

Most of your Macs do not have Clang installed with the necessary header files, so you have to manually install Clang. Go to the LLVM download page and download the pre-built binary for Mac OS X. Clang 3.5.2 works the best, but other versions would also work. Then, uncompress the file and move the created directory wherever you want. Finally, add the sub-directory bin to your PATH setting. Here is one possible scenario:

curl > clang.tar.xz
tar -Jxvf clang.tar.gz
mv clang+llvm-3.5.2-x86_64-apple-darwin ~/clang-3.5.2
export PATH=$PATH:~/clang-3.5.2/bin   # you might add this line to your .bashrc if you want to build Regent multiple times

Once you installed Clang, you can follow the same instructions to build Regent:

git clone -b master
cd legion/language

If you recently updated to macOS Sierra and see this error message when you run ./ examples/circuit.rg:

<buffer>:4:10: fatal error: 'stdio.h' file not found
#include <stdio.h>
         compilation of included c code failed

         stack traceback:
         src/terralib.lua:3386: in function 'includecstring'

then you have to re-install the command-line tools with xcode-select --install.

Installing Regent locally on your Linux

The easiest way is to follow this quickstart: If this goes wrong, you will probably need to install Clang manually. You can find a pre-built binary and the source code at the LLVM download page. Clang 3.5.2 works the best, but other versions would also work.

Writing a PBS script

There should be an examples folder in your home directory. This includes all of the examples from lecture 3, as well as another more complicated example called circuit.rg. The circuit example is the same one you'll find in language/examples if you clone Legion. You do not have to worry about what this code is doing right now; we will just be using it to demonstrate how to run jobs.

First, try running regent examples/circuit.rg. This runs the Regent compiler on examples/circuit.rg and then executes the program. Running Regent like this will execute the program on the login node, so it is useful for debugging but not for doing larger runs. Next, we'll look at how to run the program on multiple compute nodes. Here is an example PBS script to run the circuit example:

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -d .

regent examples/circuit.rg

In this assignment, you just copy and paste these commands to a script file, say However, you should become comfortable with writing PBS scripts for your future assignments. You can find the complete list of options here:

Now, you can submit the job script with this command:

qsub ./

Once the job has finished, you will get two output files,* and* (asterisks would be replaced with your job id), which record the standard output and error stream, respectively. If your job was successful, you should see nothing in* and see output like the following in*:

circuit settings: loops=5 pieces=4 nodes/piece=4 wires/piece=8 pct_in_piece=80 seed=12345
Circuit memory usage:
  Nodes :        16 *   16 bytes =         256 bytes
  Wires :        32 *  120 bytes =        3840 bytes
  Total                                   4096 bytes
Starting main simulation loop
ELAPSED TIME =   0.041 s
simulation complete - destroying regions

Otherwise, you can probably find the reason of failure in either of the output files.

Running Regent on multiple nodes

The regent command reads the number of nodes from the PBS script and sets up Regent to run the multinode execution correctly. All you have to do is change the node count in the script. See the example below for running on 2 nodes.

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l nodes=2
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -d .

regent examples/circuit.rg

Configuring the machine for Regent

When you run a Regent program, the runtime is configured with one CPU and 512MB of system memory by default. However, this is often not sufficient because of these reasons:

  • The program works on data that does not fit to 512MB of memory.
  • The program is parallelized so it can run faster on multiple processors.
  • The program has a task that can run on GPUs.

If the default configuration is not enough for your program, you can change the machine configuration by giving some command-line flags, as in the following example command: examples/circuit.rg -ll:cpu 2 -ll:csize 1024

In this command, the runtime is configured with two CPUs (-ll:cpu 2) and 1024MB of system memory (-ll:csize 1024).

If you ran Regent on multiple nodes, the command-line flags would configure each of those nodes and not the entire list of nodes. Let's say you wrote this PBS script:

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l nodes=2
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -d .

regent examples/circuit.rg -ll:cpu 2

This script will launch your program on two nodes, each of which is configured with two CPUs. Therefore, there will be four CPUs in total on which you can launch your tasks.

For the complete list of flags for the machine configuration, please refer to this link:

Running Legion Prof and Spy

Legion Prof and Legion Spy are two important tools to visualize Regent program's execution. Legion Prof gives you a profiling result and Legion Spy renders the data dependence structure of the program. To use these tools, you first get the logging output and pass it to the post-processing scripts. Here are the commands to enable the logging:

  • Legion Prof: ./ (your regent program) -lg:prof <number-of-nodes> -lg:prof_logfile prof_%.gz
  • Legion Spy: ./ (your regent program) -lg:spy -logfile spy_%.log

If the filename contains % (e.g. prof_%.gz above), it will be replaced with the node id (e.g. prof_0.gz, prof_1.gz, ...). Once you have the log files, now you can pass them to the scripts or (they are in your path).

These links will give you more information about Legion Prof and Legion Spy:

What's next?

Regent and Legion have other features and options that this document does not cover. Here are some useful links to find more about Regent and Legion:

What to submit

Send the following two files to :

  • The output file (*) from a job running the circuit example on two nodes. You can use the script given above.
  • A PBS script that runs the circuit example with this runtime configuration: a single node, 4 processors, 2048MB of system memory, and both Legion Prof and Spy enabled.

The submission will be examined just to check whether you actually follow the steps in this document and not be graded otherwise.

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