


Anupam Datta
Anupam Datta
anupam.datta AT snowflake.com
OH by appointment
John Mitchell
John Mitchell
jcm AT stanford.edu
OH: Tuesdays 2:00-3:00PM
Location: Gates 180
Ankur Taly
Ankur Taly
ataly AT google.com
OH by appointment

Course Assistant

Ayush Singla
Ayush Singla
ayushsn AT stanford.edu
OH: Mon/Thu 1:30-2:30PM
Location: Lathrop 017


Josh Reini
Josh Reini
josh.reini AT snowflake.com


What is this course about?

Large Language Models (LLMs) and their applications have received tremendous attention since the release of ChatGPT in late 2022. Methods for leveraging the power of these models and managing associated risks are continuing to improve, as the models themselves also advance. Recognizing the importances of this fast-moving area, this project-based course provides students an opportunity to learn and apply state-of-the-art methods to make the application of LLMs more trustworthy, with attention to topics such as relevance, groundedness, confidence, calibration, uncertainty, explainability, privacy, fairness, toxicity, and adversarial attacks.

Students complete two homework assignments to acquire important background, with most of the course devoted to the quarter long course project. The course has three main focus areas:


Introductory Python-based ML class (equivalent to CS229), knowledge of deep learning (such as CS230, CS231N, etc.), and familiarity with ML frameworks in Python like PyTorch, Keras, or TensorFlow.

Honor Code

Permissive but strict. If unsure, please ask the course staff!

Audit policy

We are generally open to in-person auditing requests by Stanford affiliates. Audits can attend lectures if there are available seats after enrolled students have taken their seats. Please come to the lecture, and if there is space available, audits may stay for the session.

Audits are welcome to participate in the discussion in lectures, but we encourage that audits check out the slides from previous lectures first — lectures could be confusing otherwise! Audits are also welcome to attend OHs, though if there are more enrolled students waiting in the line, they’ll be given priority.

We are unable to support remote audits as lectures are held in-person, and are not recorded. The general public can follow along with the course by accessing the published lecture slides, notes, assignments, and final report instructions online. These materials are available on the Syllabus page.

Please note that no course support will be available for auditors. However, we encourage you to share any feedback on the course — if there’s any concept that you find confusing, incorrect or missing, please let us know!

Reference Text

There's no textbook. The course relies on lecture slides and accompanying readings.


What is the format of the class?
It will be lectures and guest speakers. We will often have industry experts to give us tutorials on fairness, ML explainability and privacy.
Do I need to know Python for the course?
Since Python has become the most popular language for machine learning, we expect most assignments will be in Python. Python fluency isn't required, but will make your life so much easier during the course.
Is this the first time the course is offered?
No. The course was also offered in Spring 2021, Spring 2022 and Fall 2023. Like the last iteration of the course, this year we are allocating more time to the term project.
Does the course count towards CS degrees?
Yes, this course can satisfy Area D: Computing and Society breadth requirement (for MSCS).
Are lectures recorded?
No, the lectures will not be recorded, since this is not an SCPD course.
Can I follow along from the outside?
Of course! All lecture slides and homeworks will be posted on this website. We encourage you to share any feedback on the course — if there’s any concept that you find confusing, incorrect or missing, please let us know!
What is the grading policy for the course?
Your grade will be based on homeworks (20%), project (70%) and class participation (10%). Homework and the project will involve significant programming. There are no exams. Participation will include attendance, engagement in class discussions, and project reviews.
Can I work in groups for the homework?
No, all homeworks have to be done and submitted individually. You can however discuss with your study group, although abiding by the Honor Code.
Are we expected to work in groups for the course project?
Yes, students are strongly encouraged to work in groups of 2-3 students.
What are the major project deliverables?

The quarter long course project has five major deliverables:

  • Proposal Presentations, in Week 3
  • Mid-term Presentations, in Week 7
  • Final Presentation Dry-Runs, in Week 9
  • Final Presentation and Poster during the Final Project Fair, in Week 10 (after Thanksgiving break)
  • Final Reports, due on the scheduled exam time in Finals Week (Thursday Dec 12th, 3:15 PM).
Further information on these deliverables will shared as the quarter progresses in class.

How are the project grades assigned?
Project grades are determined based on the overall quality of the group's work throughout the quarter, including how well the project aligns with the course content. Further information will be shared in class.
How does the class participation grade assigned? Is attendance mandatory?
Yes — a portion of your class participation grade will be based on your attedance. The rest of the class participation grade is composed of the quality of your contributions to the class, and the instructor impressions during the all project sessions (proposal, midterm, presentation dry-runs, poster).
I have a question about the class. What is the best way to reach the course staff?
Please post your question in the Ed course forum so that other students can benefit from your questions. If you have a personal matter or emergencies, please email the TAs directly.