EDUCATION 257 Winter-Spring 2003
David Rogosa (, e314)
I. Design and Analysis of Comparative Studies (Experiments)
A. Introduction and review. Factorial Designs
1. Comparing group outcomes on a single classification: One-way analysis of variance
2. Multiple comparisons in one-way anova
3. Two-way fixed effects anova and interactions
NWK readings for intro factorial designs
one-way anova NWK 16.1-16.9
post hoc pairwise comparisons NWK 17.4-17.5
factorial designs: two-way fixed effects NWK 19.1-19.6, 20.2,20.3
B. More Factorial Designs
1. Random and mixed anova models (multiple comparisons, variance component estimation)
2. Unbalanced designs
3. k-way classifications
4. Design--Sample size and power
5. Randomized block designs (including Latin Squares)
NWK readings for more factorial designs
mixed and random 2-way NWK 24.2-24.4
one observation per cell NWK 21.1-21.2
Unbalanced two-way designs NWK 22.1, 22.2, 22.6 24.6
three-way factorial designs NWK 23.1-23.6, 24.5
planned (orthogonal) comparisons NWK 17.3
design and sample size NWK 26.1-26.5
randomized block designs NWK 27.1-27.7, 30.1-30.2
C. Nested and Repeated Measures Experimental Designs
1. Nested designs
2. Repeated measures designs
NWK readings for nested and repeated measures designs
nested and crossed-nested NWK 28.1-28.5, 28.9
repeated measures designs NWK 29.1-29.4
II. Analysis of Association: Correlation and Regression
Correlation and Straight-line regression
A. Basic Regression Models
1. Multiple regression
2. Polynomial regression
3. Model violations and transformations
Note: readings for introductory regression lectures Part A
Review: Straigt-line regression NWK Ch 1-4
Multiple Linear Regression
Basic fit: Inference for parama & fit Ch.6
R-sq, adj R-sq pp230-1
Adjusted Variable Intepretation (partial regr) sec 9.1
Testing composite Hypoth sec 7.1-7.3
partial part correl sec 7.4
standardeized coeff sec 7.5
polynomial regr sec 7.7
Inference for correlations sec 15.4 640-643
heteroskedascity sec 10.1; autocorrelation ch12.1-12.4;
multicollinearity sec 7.6, VIF sec 9.5, 10.2
outliers, resduals sec 9.2
B. Regression Models with Categorical Variables
1. Reformulation of anova models
2. Analysis of covariance & alternatives
Note: readings for regression lectures, categorical vars, Part B
NWK Ch 11 Qualitative predictors; NWK Ch 25 Ancova (via anova models)
Qualitative predictors:
0,1 dummy vars, reg params sec 11.1 p456-
non-parallel regressions sec 11.2
regr approach to ancova, more than 2 groups sec 11.3
anova one-way sec 16.11, 2-way sec 19.7 p.832
reduction of error var sec 25.1
single factor sec 25.2, crackers ex sec25.3
C. Building Regression Models
1. Variable Selection and Model Construction
2. Intro Path Analysis and LISREL
III. Analysis of Categorical Data
A. Proportion and Count Outcomes:
Intro and Review: Bernoulli, Binomial, Multinomial, and Poisson distributions; inferences for proportion and count data; Univariate Categorical Data;
Logit and odds transformations;
Generalized Linear Models: Logistic and Poisson Regression
NWK Ch.14, Agresti Ch.1,5, 7,10
B. Statistical Modelling, Estimation, and Inference for Multivariate Categorical Data
Review: Basic contingency Tables
Odds-ratios, conditional and marginal independence, Simpsons Paradox,
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel for metanalysis,
Log-linear models for Multi-way Contingency Tables,
Associations among ordinal variables
Agresti Ch. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9.
Additional Readings
Rogosa, D. R. (1980). Comparing nonparallel regression lines.
Psychological Bulletin, 88, 307-321.
Rogosa, D. R. (1987). Casual models do not support scientific
conclusions: A comment in support of Freedman.
Journal of Educational Statistics, 12, 185-195.
Guest books
- Miller, R.G. (1986). Beyond Anova, Basics of applied statistics.
New York: Wiley.
- Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., & Hunter, J.S. (1978). Statistics
for Experimenters. New York: Wiley.
- Winer, B.J. (1971) Statistical Principles in Experimental Design
- Mosteller, F., & Tukey, J.W. (1977). Data Analysis and
Regression. Reading: Addison-Wesley.
- Agresti, A. (1990). Categorical Data Analysis. New York: Wiley.
- Bryk, A.S. & Raudenbush, S. W.(1992). Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods. Sage Publications:CA: