Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, Month DD, 2010
HP Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B01

Future-proofing Scala collections: from mutable to persistent to parallel.

Martin Odersky
Typesafe and EPFL
About the talk:

Multicore processors are on every desk now. How are we going to make use of the extra power they provide? Some think that actors, or transactional memory, or some other new concurrency construct will save the day by making concurrent programming easier and safer. Even though these are welcome, I am skeptical about their ultimate success. Concurrency is fundamentally hard and no dressing up will be able to hide that fact completely.

A safer and for the programmer much simpler alternative is to treat parallel execution as essentially an optimization. A promising application area are collections. Programing by transforming and aggregating collections is simple, powerful, and can be optimized by executing bulk operations in parallel. To be able to do this in practice, any side effects of parallel operations need to be carefully controlled. This means that immutable, persistent collections are more suitable than mutable ones.

In this talk I will describe the new Scala collections framework, and show how it allows a seamless migration from traditional mutable collections to persistent collections, and from there to parallel collections. I show how the same vocabulary of methods can be used for either type of collection, and how one can have parallel as well as sequential views on the same underlying collection.

The design of this framework is guided by the "uniform return type principle": every collection transformer should return the same kind of collection it applies to. Simple as this sounds, it is surprisingly hard to achieve in a statically typed language with a rich type hierarchy (in fact, I know of no other collections framework that achieved it). In the talk I will explain the type-systematic constructions required by the principle. I will also present some thoughts on how we might develop type-explanation capabilities of compilers to effectively support these techniques in a user-friendly way.


There is no downloadable version of the slides for this talk available at this time.

About the speaker:

Martin Odersky is the inventor of the Scala language and professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. His work concentrates on the fusion of functional and object-oriented programming. He believes the two paradigms are two sides of the same coin, to be unified as much as possible. To prove this, he has worked on a number of language designs, from Pizza to GJ to Functional Nets. He has also influenced the development of Java as a co-designer of Java generics and as the original author of the current javac reference compiler.

Contact information:

Martin Odersky
Station 14
1015 Lausanne
+41 79 771 7931