New Winter Quarter 2007 Course Announcement:
E110/210: Perspectives in Assistive Technology
with Professor Drew Nelson (Mechanical Engineering)
and David L. Jaffe, MS (VA Palo Alto Health Care System)
Winter Quarter, Tuesdays 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Location: Main Quad, History Corner, Lane Hall (Building 200) , Room 030 (basement)

Mid-term Meeting
Friday - February 23, 2007
3:15 to 4:45pm
Terman Room 529


Each project team will do an informal (no Powerpoints) 10-minute mini-presentation on the progress of their project.

Be prepared to present and discuss:

  1. project status - what has been done, what remains
  2. problems encountered, resolved, and pending
  3. expenses expected if the project is to be continued into the Spring Quarter
  4. plans for the remainder of the quarter

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Updated 02/14/2007