Course Policies


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Wine Class Policies

  1. Students must be 21 to taste/drink wine.  Violation of this policy is a violation of Stanford Honor Code and Fundamental Standard as well as federal and state laws. Non-residents of the French House pay a non-refundable fee of $95 in cash or check (payable to "The French House") on the Organizational Meeting day of class.  French House residents pay a non-refundable fee of $55. If your check bounces, we will not be happy with you! The seminar may be taken for 1-unit of course credit. Sign up on Axess (FRENLANG 60D) when enrollment opens (Mandatory). Auditing is not allowed. The first class is listed on main web page. You must be enrolled to be acceptance into the class. There are no exceptions. You must bring your own wine glass to all classes, but do not need to bring one for the first class.You must agree to all of these policies as well as others mentioned at first class.  The instructor has the discretion to refuse or withdraw enrollment for students who do not abide by these policies.
  2. You will know if you are accepted into the class as soon as axess accepts your enrollment.

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This site was last updated 03/28/05