Online Resources: Texts

  1. Summary of Apollodorus' Library
    The Perseus Project, Tufts University. This electronic version of Apllodorus' classic mythology handbook is well-organized and easy to browse for specific content. The table of contents is linked to Frazer's concise commentary, which in turn is lin ked to the original text itself.

  2. 18th-Century Translation of the Metamorphoses
    Virginia Tech. This is a text-only version of the Dryden, Pope, Addison, and Congreve translation.

  3. A Latin Version of the Metamorphoses
    University of Wisconsin, Madison. A text-only transcription of an 1821 prose version of the Metamorphoses.

  4. Metamorphoses 3, 316-401: A Hypertext
    A hypertext of the Tieresias and Echo/Narcissus episodes. In Latin with grammatical notes.

  5. Remedia Amoris
    By Demetrios Ioannides, Michigan State University Libraries. Only partially annotated, this text of the Remedia Amoris is worth consulting not only for its vocabulary and notes, but for a nice example of how hypertext can look and work.

  6. The Internet Classics Archive
    By Daniel C. Stevenson, Web Atomics. A repository of nearly 400 classical texts in translation.

  7. The Libellus Project
    Konrad Schroder and Owen Ewald, University of Washington. An archive of public-domain Latin and Greek texts. Ovid selections here are limited to the Heroides.