
>> The content of conversations between two males generally deals with more traditionally male topics, such as cars, computers, video games, and girls. 23% of all topics related to cars, 27% to computers, 20% to video games, and 17% to the opposite gender.

>> Males also demonstrate a tendency to ignore greetings and goodbyes in their conversations, starting and finishing their exchanges abruptly. In 50 different instant messaging exchanges between a pair of males, the conversation was opened with a greeting 12 times and ended with a goodbye 15 times.

>> Male conversations are inclined to be rougher than those of females, with more derogatory name calling, harsh teasing, and a general lack of emoticon or smiley usage. In an average 40 line conversation, there will be approximately 9 smileys, and derogatory names are used 80% of the time.
