#include "map.h"

class Map<KeyTypeValueType>

This class maintains an association between keys and values. The types used for keys and values are specified using templates, which makes it possible to use this structure with any data type.

The map uses a binary search tree (BST) structure internally. Because of this choice of internal representation, the KeyType for the keys stored in a Map must define a natural ordering through a less function and/or < operator so that the keys can be compared and ordered. The ValueType does not need to provide any such natural ordering. The range-based for loop will iterate over the map keys in sorted order. The Map operations to add/access/remove an entry run in O(logN) time. .
Map()  O(1) Initializes a new empty map that associates keys and values of the specified types.
clear()  O(N) Removes all entries from this map.
containsKey(key)  O(log N) Returns true if there is an entry for key in this map.
equals(map)  O(N) Returns true if the two maps contain the same entries.
firstKey()  O(log N) Returns the first key in this map in the order established by a for-each loop.
get(key)  O(log N) Returns the value associated with key in this map.
isEmpty()  O(1) Returns true if this map contains no entries.
keys()  O(N) Returns a Vector copy of all keys in this map.
lastKey()  O(log N) Returns the last value in this map in the order established by a for-each loop.
mapAll(fn)  O(N) Iterates through the map entries and calls fn(key, value) for each one.
put(keyvalue)  O(log N) Associates key with value in this map.
remove(key)  O(log N) Removes any entry for key from this map.
size()  O(1) Returns the number of entries in this map.
toString()  O(N) Returns a printable string representation of this map.
values()  O(N) Returns a Vector copy of all values in this map.
for (KeyType key : map)  O(N) Iterates through the keys in a map.
map[key]  O(log N) Selects the value associated with key.
map1 == map1  O(N) Returns true if map1 and map2 contain the same entries.
map1 != map2  O(N) Returns true if map1 and map2 are different.
map1 + map2  O(NlogN) Creates a new map which contains all map1 entries added to all map2 entries.
map1 += map2  O(NlogN) Adds all map2 entries to map1.
map1 - map2  O(NlogN) Creates a new map which contains all map1 entries minus all map2 entries.
map1 -= map2  O(NlogN) Removes all map2 entries from map1.
map1 * map2  O(NlogN) Creates a new map which contains all entries that appear in both map1 and map2.
map1 *= map2  O(NlogN) Removes any entries from map1 that are not present in map2.
ostream << map  O(N) Outputs the contents of the map to the given output stream.
istream >> map  O(N log N) Reads the contents of the given input stream into the map.

Constructor detail

Initializes a new empty map that associates keys and values of the specified types. You may also optionally provide an initializer list of key-value pairs. The newly created map will contain those entries.


Map<KeyType, ValueType> map;
Map<KeyType, ValueType> map = {{ k1, v1}, { k2, v2 }};

Method detail

void clear();
Removes all entries from this map.



bool containsKey(const KeyType& key) const;
Returns true if there is an entry for key in this map.


if (map.containsKey(key)) ...

bool equals(const Map& map) const;
Returns true if the two maps contain exactly the same key/value pairs. Identical in behavior to the == operator.


if (map1.equals(map2)) ...

KeyType firstKey() const;
Returns the first key in the map in the order established by a for-each loop. If map is empty, firstKey signals an error.


KeyType first = map.firstKey();

ValueType get(const KeyType& key) const;
Returns the value associated with key in this map. If key is not found, get returns the default value for ValueType.


ValueType value = map.get(key);

bool isEmpty() const;
Returns true if this map contains no entries.


if (map.isEmpty()) ...

Vector<KeyType> keys() const;
Returns a Vector copy of all keys in this map. The keys will appear in the same order that a for-each loop over the map would produce them. Because a map cannot contain duplicate keys, the elements of the vector will be unique.


Vector<KeyType> keys = map.keys();

KeyType lastKey() const;
Returns the last key in the map in the order established by a for-each loop. If map is empty, lastKey signals an error.


KeyType last = map.lastKey();

void mapAll(std::function<void (const KeyType&, const ValueType&)> fn) const;
Iterates through the map entries and calls fn(key, value) for each one. The keys are processed in ascending order, as defined by the comparison function.



void put(const KeyType& key, const ValueType& value);
Associates key with value in this map. Any previous value associated with key is replaced by the new value.


map.put(key, value);

void remove(const KeyType& key);
Removes any entry for key from this map.



int size() const;
Returns the number of entries in this map.


int nEntries = map.size();

string toString() const;
Returns a printable string representation of this map. such as "{k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3}". The key/value pairs will be listed in ascending order by key.


string str = map.toString();

Vector<ValueType> values() const;
Returns a Vector copy of all values in this map. The values will appear in the same order that a for-each loop over the map would produce them. A map can contain duplicate values, so the elements of the vector are not guaranteed to be unique.


Vector<ValueType> values = map.values();

Operator detail

for (KeyType key : map)
The range-based for loop can be used to iterate through the elements in a collection. The iteration accesses map keys in ascending order. An error is signaled if you attempt to add/remove elements from a collection while iterating over it.


for (KeyType key : map) {
	cout << key << " = " << map[key] << endl;

ValueType& operator[](const KeyType& key);
const ValueType& operator[](const KeyType& key) const;
Selects the value associated with key. This syntax makes it easy to think of a map as an "associative array" indexed by the key type. If key is already present in the map, this function returns a reference to its associated value. If key is not present in the map, a new entry is created whose value is set to the default for the value type.

Note: get and operator[] have a small but significant difference when used to retrieve the value for a key not contained in the map. Both expressions return the default value, but accessing map[key] adds this new entry to the map while map.get(key) does not.



Map operator+(const Map& map2) const;
Creates a new map which combines the entries from map1 and map2.


map1 + map2

Map operator*(const Map& map2) const;
Creates a new map which contains those entries that appear in both map1 and map2.


map1 * map2

Map operator-(const Map& map2) const;
Creates a new map which is the difference of the entries in map1 minus those in map2.


map1 - map2

Map& operator+=(const Map& map2);
Adds all of the entries from map2 to map1.


map1 += map2;

Map& operator*=(const Map& map2);
Removes any entries from map1 that are not present in map2.


map1 *= map2;

Map& operator-=(const Map& map2);
Removes the entries in map2 from map1.


map1 -= map2;

ostream& operator<<(const Map& map);
Outputs the contents of map to the given output stream. The output is in the form {k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3}. The entries will be listed in ascending order of key.


cout << map << endl;

istream& operator>>(Map& map);
Reads the contents of the given input stream into map. Any previous contents of the map are replaced. The input is expected to be in the form {k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3}. If unable to read a proper map from the stream, the operation results in a stream fail state.


if (infile >> map) ...