Issue 2015/04/10

Let’s Win the Linguist List Fund Drive!

In case you missed it, the 2015 Linguist List Fund Drive is ON, and we are slipping behind! We currently land in 3rd for overall donations from 8 donors. The University of Washington is currently rallying behind 25 individual donors… let’s match it and beat it!

The latest rankings are as follows – click here for a full list.

1. Indiana University Bloomington ($2,150)
2. University of Washington ($1,540)
3. Stanford University ($1,065)
4. North-West University, Potchefstroom and Vaal Triangle Campuses, South Africa ($820)
5. University of South Carolina ($740)
6. University of California, Santa Barbara ($675)
7. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ($535)
8. University of Kansas ($455)
9. Wellesley College ($400)
10. Arizona State University ($350)

Indiana University Bloomington has ranked first throughout the Fund Drive, but we can change that!


Annette D’Onofrio Wins Centennial Teaching Award!

Congrats and sesquikudos to Annette, who has received a Centennial Teaching Award!

Established in 1989, this award recognizes and rewards outstanding teaching by teaching assistants in the Schools of Humanities and Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Engineering.

Bonnie Krejci at Splash! April 12th

Bonnie Krejci will be giving a Stanford Splash! class on Sunday, 4/12 called “Linguistic Taboo?”

Splash! is a semi-annual, two-day event when middle school and high school students come to campus to learn from ungrads, grad students, and other community members.

From the class description:

Why are some English words considered profane or deeply offensive, while others can be used in any situation? How has this changed over time? What kinds of words are considered offensive in other languages?

In this class, we will examine the social contexts and situations where certain words are off-limits, with the broader goal of understanding the relationship between language and culture.

Read more about Bonnie’s class and Splash! here.

Look Who’s Talking!

Kate Lynn Lindsey is an invited speaker at the Gray Colloquium at St. Mark’s School in Boston, MA. She will be giving two workshops on linguistic diversity and sustainability on April 9, 2015.

Paul Kiparsky gave a talk yesterday at Cornell on “Syntactic Drift and Convergence.”

Penny Eckert gave a talk on April 6 at Edinburgh University on “ Variation, stylistic landscapes, and social change”, and will present again April 11 at the iMean conference in Warwick.

Dan Jurafsky presented at USC in Journalism 499: Media, Food, and Culture, and will be giving a book talk at Vroman’s in Pasadena.

BA alum and current Berkeley grad student Kayla Carpenter will take part in a guest panel on “Fruitful and unfruitful collaborations with academics” on April 13 at 3:15PM on campus (Native American Cultural Center, 524 Lasuen Mall).