Andrey Zorin


Andrei L. Zorin is Associate Professor of Russian Literature at the Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU). He received his degree of Ph. D. (kandidatskaia) from Moscow State University in 1983 for his dissertation "The Literature of Sensibility In England and Russia". Since the late 1980s, he has taught as visiting professor at Harvard, Stanford, University of Helsinki, University of Texas (Austin), and L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris). He has taught regularly at Stanford’s Overseas Campus in Moscow. Zorin has given papers at many international conferences in Russia, USA, France, Italy, Austria, and has lectured at many universities in Western Europe and USA, among them, Harvard, Stanford, U.C., Berkeley, Yale University, and Cambridge. In 1997, Zorin was the keynote speaker at the annual conference of North Eastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies; he was the Faber Lecturer in European Studies at Princeton University (1995).

He is presently Chairman for a Russian Booker Prize Award Committee for 1998.

Zorin is the author of some hundred articles and reviews dealing with the subject of Russian literature, culture and Ideology of 18th-19th centuries as well as contemporary Russian culture. He has been a contributor to, among others, Itogi (Moscow) and has a regular column in the Moscow journal NZ.

Among Zorin's seminal articles in contemporary Russian culture are:

bullet"Ot Galicha k Prigovu," in K. Yu. Rogov, ed., Semidesiatye kak predmet istorii russkoi kul'tury (Rossiia/Russia 1[9]), Moscow-Venice, 1998.
bullet"Legalizatsiia obstsennoi leksiki i ee kul'turnye posledstviia," Stanford Slavic Studies 7 (1993).
bullet"Al'manakh - vzgliad iz zala," Lichnoe delo (Moscow 1991).

The title of his paper at this Conference is: "Are We having Fun Yet: Holidays, Celebration, Rituals and Commemorations in Russia After Communism"