Please note: This timeline was published in 2014, and numbers on this page reflect that year. For updated statistics about our programs, please view the new website.

In 2003, the first faculty members moved into the James H. Clark Center, home to the Bio-X initiative conceived five years earlier. At a time when science was suggesting new avenues of research and, indeed, spawning entirely new disciplines of study, Bio-X was designed to bring together faculty and students in engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, humanities, ethics and the law. The idea was simple: to encourage these bright minds to pursue research that might otherwise fall between the cracks. Since its inception, Bio-X has inspired and funded an incredible array of interdisciplinary collaborations, not only among the 45 faculty who reside at the Clark Center but also among the roughly 600 other Stanford faculty affiliated with Bio-X and the 152 Bio-X PhD fellows. As we celebrate a decade at the Clark Center and 15 years of collaborative research through Bio-X, this timeline highlights some of the remarkable moments and noteworthy achievements that have taken place there.