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Bögel, Tina & Yousefi, Saeed Reza & Mirdehghan, Mahinnaz: Vafsi Oblique Pronouns: Stress-related placement patterns

This paper discusses and analyses the distribution of oblique pronoun clitics in Vafsi. In contrast to earlier studies, we show that oblique clitics in Vafsi do not have affixal counterparts, but that all instances and forms of the clitic can be explained with reference to prosodic constraints. In cases where the prosodically deficient oblique enclitic is left without a suitable host, prosodic inversion aims to place the clitic accordingly. The erstwhile "affixal form" corresponds to the cases where the clitic is forced to carry stress itself and consequently assumes a "full form". We furthermore provide a complete formal analysis of the oblique pronoun clitics at the syntax-prosody interface in LFG.

January 24, 2019
pubs @ csli.stanford.edu 
CSLI Publications
Stanford University
Cordura Hall
210 Panama Street
Stanford, CA 94305-4101
(650) 723-1839