Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 292022 © CSLI PublicationsJapanese/Korean Linguistics 29The papers included in this volume represent the majority of plenary talks and oral and poster presentations at the 29th Japanese/Korean (J/K) Linguistics Conference held online on October 9-11, 2021, hosted jointly by Nagoya University and the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL). Six invited speakers gave plenary talks at the conference: Noriko Iwasaki (Nanzan University), Peter Sells (York University), Yuki Hirose (University of Tokyo), Wataru Uegaki (University of Edinburgh), Taehong Cho (Hanyang University), and Bjarke Frellesvig (University of Oxford). There were 18 oral presentations and 22 poster presentations chosen by blind review from the 112 abstracts submitted. We are grateful to the 74 reviewers who agreed to review the abstracts, as well as to all of the invited speakers, presenters, and session chairs at the conference. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29 is the first completely online proceedings in the history of J/K conferences. The "Online Publication Only" policy, to be practiced from this time on, certainly represents a significant shift from the previous paper-based J/K proceedings (Volumes 1 to 28). Paper-based proceedings will be missed by past J/K proceedings contributors including some of us editors. Nevertheless, we trust that online proceedings are a welcome move in view of speed and visibility (quotability) in this age of online publication. We also believe with certitude that J/K conferences will continue to be a unique, inspirational, and "homey" forum where cutting-edge research findings on Japanese/Korean linguistics are shared as in all previous J/K conferences. J/K 29 was supported by funds from Nagoya University (a grant for organizing an international conference) and the NINJAL (Collaborative Research Projects 'Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar' and 'Evidence-based Theoretical and Typological Linguistics'), which are gratefully acknowledged. Thanks also go to the J/K steering committee members, Shoichi Iwasaki (UCLA), Shinichiro Fukuda (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa), Mary Kim (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa), Sung-Ock Sohn (UCLA), and to Hae-Sung Jeon (University of Central Lancashire), the J/K 28 conference organizer, for their much-valued advice and wisdom. We are also grateful to Kenneth James Perry at CSLI for smoothing the current volume's transition into online publication, and to Maho Morimoto and Misato Ido (both at NINJAL) for their extensive support with the remote conference organizing and editing. Finally, special thanks go to Haruo Kubozono (NINJAL), a J/K 29 co-organizer, who contributed immensely in the planning, preparing, and organizing stages of the conference. Kaoru Horie, Kimi Akita, Yusuke Kubota*, David Y. Oshima, and Akira Utsugi. Nagoya University and *National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics |