2013 Stanford Drupal Camp Has Ended

NOTE: This website is an archive of the 2013 Stanford Drupal Camp. The current year's Stanford Drupal Camp website is at http://drupalcamp.stanford.edu

Session Slides

We will walk through an review of planning for high performance on Drupal, covering the following factors:

  • Planning your site architecture
  • Evaluating your users, content, and traffic
  • Identifying user actions
  • Determining your resources

We will cover:

  • Assessment of current performance, and impact of any performance "improvements"
  • Tools for assessing performance
  • Tools and techniques for improving Drupal performance
  • Hosting options

This session will be appropriate for everyone from small site builders building on Drupal SaaS environments (Stanford Sites, Drupal Gardens), up to and including Drupal development teams that include sysadmins and database administrators.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
6 April 15:00 - 15:45