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Looking at installed packages


Which R are you using?

Try run

 which R

Try run

 R --version

Installing CRAN Packages

Most CRAN packages can be installed per-user by running install.packages() in an interactive session:

install.packages("package_name", dependencies = TRUE)

R initially attempts to install to /usr/local/lib/R, but will prompt for the creation of a library subdirectory in ~/R (if necessary) and fall back to installation there when the initial attempt fails. If your package requires dependencies available from the standard Ubuntu repositories you can submit a HelpSU ticket requesting installation. We can install from the Debian/Ubuntu package repositories or into the shared FarmShare fs.

You can, of course, install R libraries into any arbitrary path and just add that path to your R env. That will probably break the next time R is upgraded to a new version, since your packages are built with the older version.

NOTE: when you install a package in corn, it will be available to you in Barley.

R Sample Job

Here's an example R file that generates a large array, fills it with some random numbers, then sleeps for 5mins. This happens to use up almost exactly 8GB of RAM.

$ cat 8GB.R 
x <- array(1:1073741824, dim=c(1024,1024,1024)) 
x <- gaussian()

Here's an example SGE submit script that runs that R file.

'/tmp/highlight.css' was not created by highlight --fragment --syntax='sh' --style-outfile='/tmp/highlight.css' (dir=/tmp)

You need to specify a language like this: <source lang="html">...</source>

Supported languages for syntax highlighting:

abap4, abc, abnf, actionscript, ada, agda, algol, ampl, amtrix, applescript, arc, arm, as400cl, ascend, asp, aspect, assembler, ats, autohotkey, autoit, avenue, awk, bat, bbcode, bcpl, bibtex, biferno, bison, blitzbasic, bms, bnf, boo, c, ceylon, charmm, chill, clean, clearbasic, clipper, clojure, clp, cobol, coldfusion, crk, csharp, css, d, dart, diff, dylan, ebnf, eiffel, erlang, euphoria, express, fame, felix, fortran77, fortran90, frink, fsharp, fx, gambas, gdb, go, graphviz, haskell, haxe, hcl, html, httpd, icon, idl, idlang, inc_luatex, informix, ini, innosetup, interlis, io, jasmin, java, js, jsp, ldif, lhs, lilypond, limbo, lindenscript, lisp, logtalk, lotos, lotus, lua, luban, make, maple, matlab, maya, mercury, miranda, mod2, mod3, modelica, moon, ms, mssql, mxml, n3, nasal, nbc, nemerle, netrexx, nice, nsis, nxc, oberon, objc, ocaml, octave, oorexx, os, oz, paradox, pas, pdf, perl, php, pike, pl1, plperl, plpython, pltcl, pov, pro, progress, ps, ps1, psl, pure, pyrex, python, q, qmake, qu, r, rebol, rexx, rnc, rpg, rpl, ruby, s, sas, scala, scilab, sh, small, smalltalk, sml, snmp, snobol, spec, spn, sql, squirrel, sybase, tcl, tcsh, tex, ts, tsql, ttcn3, txt, upc, vala, vb, verilog, vhd, xml, xpp, yaiff, yang, znn

You can submit it with just

 qsub r_test.script

Here are the output files that I get, one from stderr, one from stdout

$ cat r_test.script.e497 
tset: standard error: Function not implemented

Undefined tty
stdin: is not a tty
$ cat r_test.script.o497 

Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor). Thus no job control in this shell.

R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16) Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R.

> x <- array(1:1073741824, dim=c(1024,1024,1024)) > x <- gaussian() > Sys.sleep(300) >

Those errors about tty and job control have something to do with shell startup and terminal settings, and are normal. Or specify the 'sh' shell in your job script

 #get rid of spurious messages about tty/terminal types
#$ -S /bin/sh

In the mail that you get about the ending of the job, the maxvmem number is actually incorrect, it is a known bug in this version of SGE. The R script on this page actually uses 8GB of vmem.

Another R Sample Job

R script, let's call it R-rjags.R

print("Hello World")
#this just loaded some settings from that library

Job script, let's call it R-jags.submit.script


# use the current directory
#$ -cwd
# mail this address
#$ -M chekh@stanford.edu
# send mail on begin, end, suspend
#$ -m bes

R --vanilla --no-save < R-jags.R

Submit it to the test queue with a small memory requirement:

 qsub -l mem_free=200M -l testq=1 R-jags.submit.script

Looking at the output files, it errored out because R can't find the package rjags. You have two alternatives:

  • include the R library from /mnt/glusterfs/software
  • use modules to specify the full R install from /mnt/glusterfs/software

The first way, you would add this line to your R script:

 .libPaths(c("/mnt/glusterfs/software/free/R-2.15.0/lib/R/library", "/usr/lib/R/library"))

The second way, your script will look like this:

$ cat R-jags.submit.script

# use the current directory
#$ -cwd
# mail this address
#$ -M chekh@stanford.edu
# send mail on begin, end, suspend
#$ -m bes

eval `tclsh /mnt/glusterfs/software/free/modules/tcl/modulecmd.tcl sh autoinit`
module load R-2.15.0
R --vanilla --no-save < R-jags.R


Some other departments have some other more detailed examples:

building our local R

Here's how I usually do it.

lapack issues

If you see messages like:

  unable to load shared object '/usr/lib/R/modules//lapack.so':

most likely you're mixing R versions and libraries.

Use the module load command at the top of the page and figure out if you've set R library path to point to directories with older libraries at some point.

Test script:

$ cat lapack.r 
zz = lm(Sepal.Length ~., data = iris) 

$ R --no-save < lapack.r 
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