

On the scaling of the slip velocity in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces. J. Seo and A. Mani. Physics of Fluids, 28(2):025110, 2016. (URL)


 Superhydrophobic surfaces can significantly reduce hydrodynamic skin drag by accommodating large slip velocity near the surface due to entrapment of air bubbles within their micro-scale roughness elements. While there are many Stokes flow solutions for flows near superhydrophobic surfaces that describe the relation between effective slip length and surface geometry, such relations are not fully known in the turbulent flow limit. In this work, we present a phenomenological model for the kinematics of flow near a superhydrophobic surface with periodic post-patterns at high Reynolds numbers. The model predicts an inverse square root scaling with solid fraction, and a cube root scaling of the slip length with pattern size, which is different from the reported scaling in the Stokes flow limit. A mixed model is then proposed that recovers both Stokes flow solution and the presented scaling, respectively, in the small and large texture size limits. This model is validated using direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows over superhydrophobic posts over a wide range of texture sizes from L+ \approx 6 to 310 and solid fractions from \phi_s = 1/9 to 1/64. Our report also embarks on the extension of friction laws of turbulent wall-bounded flows to superhydrophobic surfaces. To this end, we present a review of a simplified model for the mean velocity profile, which we call the shifted-turbulent boundary layer model, and address two previous shortcomings regarding the closure and accuracy of this model. Furthermore, we address the process of homogenization of the texture effect to an effective slip length by investigating correlations between slip velocity and shear over pattern-averaged data for streamwise and spanwise directions. For L+ of up to O(10), shear stress and slip velocity are perfectly correlated and well described by a homogenized slip length consistent with Stokes flow solutions. In contrast, in the limit of large L+, the pattern-averaged shear stress and slip velocity become uncorrelated and thus the homogenized boundary condition is unable to capture the bulk behavior of the patterned surface.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { seo2016scaling,
    TITLE = { On the scaling of the slip velocity in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces },
    AUTHOR = { J. Seo and A. Mani },
    JOURNAL = { Physics of Fluids },
    VOLUME = { 28 },
    NUMBER = { 2 },
    PAGES = { 025110 },
    YEAR = { 2016 },
    ABSTRACT = { Superhydrophobic surfaces can significantly reduce hydrodynamic skin drag by accommodating large slip velocity near the surface due to entrapment of air bubbles within their micro-scale roughness elements. While there are many Stokes flow solutions for flows near superhydrophobic surfaces that describe the relation between effective slip length and surface geometry, such relations are not fully known in the turbulent flow limit. In this work, we present a phenomenological model for the kinematics of flow near a superhydrophobic surface with periodic post-patterns at high Reynolds numbers. The model predicts an inverse square root scaling with solid fraction, and a cube root scaling of the slip length with pattern size, which is different from the reported scaling in the Stokes flow limit. A mixed model is then proposed that recovers both Stokes flow solution and the presented scaling, respectively, in the small and large texture size limits. This model is validated using direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows over superhydrophobic posts over a wide range of texture sizes from L+ \approx 6 to 310 and solid fractions from \phi_s = 1/9 to 1/64. Our report also embarks on the extension of friction laws of turbulent wall-bounded flows to superhydrophobic surfaces. To this end, we present a review of a simplified model for the mean velocity profile, which we call the shifted-turbulent boundary layer model, and address two previous shortcomings regarding the closure and accuracy of this model. Furthermore, we address the process of homogenization of the texture effect to an effective slip length by investigating correlations between slip velocity and shear over pattern-averaged data for streamwise and spanwise directions. For L+ of up to O(10), shear stress and slip velocity are perfectly correlated and well described by a homogenized slip length consistent with Stokes flow solutions. In contrast, in the limit of large L+, the pattern-averaged shear stress and slip velocity become uncorrelated and thus the homogenized boundary condition is unable to capture the bulk behavior of the patterned surface. },
    URL = { },