

Birth of microbubbles in turbulent breaking waves. W.H.R. Chan, S. Mirjalili, S. Jain, J. Urzay, A. Mani and P. Moin. Physical Review Fluids, 4:100508-1-4, 2019. (URL)


Naturally-occurring and ship-generated breaking waves in the ocean generate bubbles of a wide range of sizes. Of these, the smallest microbubbles persist for a long time and have a long-lasting impact on the oceanic environment. In order to investigate the formation of these microbubbles, high-fidelity simulations of each of the stages in this formation are performed. These simulations lend credence to a model pathway for the birth of these microbubbles, involving processes such as collisions between interfaces and air film entrapment.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { chan_mirjalili_jain_urzay_mani_moin_2019,
    TITLE = { Birth of microbubbles in turbulent breaking waves },
    AUTHOR = { W.H.R. Chan and S. Mirjalili and S. Jain and J. Urzay and A. Mani and P. Moin },
    JOURNAL = { Physical Review Fluids },
    ABSTRACT = { Naturally-occurring and ship-generated breaking waves in the ocean generate bubbles of a wide range of sizes. Of these, the smallest microbubbles persist for a long time and have a long-lasting impact on the oceanic environment. In order to investigate the formation of these microbubbles, high-fidelity simulations of each of the stages in this formation are performed. These simulations lend credence to a model pathway for the birth of these microbubbles, involving processes such as collisions between interfaces and air film entrapment. },
    VOLUME = { 4 },
    PAGES = { 100508-1--4 },
    YEAR = { 2019 },
    URL = { },