

Optical depth in particle-laden turbulent flows. A. Frankel, G. Iaccarino and A. Mani. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 201:10-16, 2017. (URL)


Turbulent clustering of particles causes an increase in the radiation transmission through gas-particle mixtures. Attempts to capture the ensemble-averaged transmission lead to a closure problem called the turbulence-radiation interaction. A simple closure model based on the particle radial distribution function is proposed to capture the effect of turbulent fluctuations in the concentration on radiation intensity. The model is validated against a set of particle-resolved ray tracing experiments through particle fields from direct numerical simulations of particle-laden turbulence. The form of the closure model is generalizable to arbitrary stochastic media with known two-point correlation functions.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { frankel_iaccarino_mani_2017,
    TITLE = { Optical depth in particle-laden turbulent flows },
    AUTHOR = { A. Frankel and G. Iaccarino and A. Mani },
    JOURNAL = { Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer },
    ABSTRACT = { Turbulent clustering of particles causes an increase in the radiation transmission through gas-particle mixtures. Attempts to capture the ensemble-averaged transmission lead to a closure problem called the turbulence-radiation interaction. A simple closure model based on the particle radial distribution function is proposed to capture the effect of turbulent fluctuations in the concentration on radiation intensity. The model is validated against a set of particle-resolved ray tracing experiments through particle fields from direct numerical simulations of particle-laden turbulence. The form of the closure model is generalizable to arbitrary stochastic media with known two-point correlation functions. },
    VOLUME = { 201 },
    PAGES = { 10--16 },
    YEAR = { 2017 },
    URL = { },