Validation of fls_C3H8_3_8
Thermodynamic conditions
- Temperature, $T$: 298.0 K
- Pressure, $p$ : 2.0 atm
- Equivalence Ratio, $\phi$: 1.3
- Mixture Composition, $X$: 5.18% C3H8-19.92% O2-74.90% N2
Experimental measurement
- Source: experimental data from GBD2016, HMS2008, JZZ2005, HAK1998, EZL1990
- Data type: Laminar flame speed
- Experimental method: CFF
- Experimental value: 25.84 cm/s
- Experimental uncertainty: $\pm$ 2.0 cm/s
Model predictions
FFCM-2 performance
Sensitivity and impact factor
GBD2016 - Goswami, M., Bastiaans, R. J. M., De Goey, L. P. H., & Konnov, A. A. (2016). Experimental and modelling study of the effect of elevated pressure on ethane and propane flames. Fuel, 166, 410–418.HMS2008 - Huzayyin, A. S., Moneib, H. A., Shehatta, M. S., & Attia, A. M. A. (2008). Laminar burning velocity and explosion index of LPG--air and propane--air mixtures. Fuel, 87, 39–57.
JZZ2005 - Jomaas, G., Zheng, X. L., Zhu, D. L., & Law, C. K. (2005). Experimental determination of counterflow ignition temperatures and laminar flame speeds of C2--C3 hydrocarbons at atmospheric and elevated pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30, 193–200.
HAK1998 - Hassan, M. I., Aung, K. T., Kwon, O. C., & Faeth, G. M. (1998). Properties of laminar premixed hydrocarbon/air flames at various pressures. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 14, 479–488.
EZL1990 - Egolfopoulos, F. N., Zhu, D. L., & Law, C. K. (1990). Experimental and numerical determination of laminar flame speeds Mixtures of C2-hydrocarbons with oxygen and nitrogen. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 23, 471–478.