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HEPL / KIPAC Seminar

Friday, February 5, 2016

Andreas Hierlemann

ETH Zurich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering

Highly Integrated CMOS Microsystems to Interface With Neurons
at Subcellular Resolution

Abstract: To understand how functions and characteristics of neuronal networks arise from the concerted interactions of the involved neurons, it is necessary to have methods that allow for interacting with neuronal functional subunits and ensembles—somas, axons, dendrites, single neurons, and entire networks—at high spatiotemporal resolution and in real time. Extracellular electrical recordings by means of microtransducerarrays complement well-established patch clamp techniques and optical or optogenetictechniques.

The use of CMOS technology helps to overcome the connectivity problem of how to interface thousands of tightly-spaced electrodes, while, at the same time, it improves signal-to-noise characteristics, as signal conditioning is done on chip next towhere the partially very small signals (< 10 μV) are generated. CMOS-based arrays also enable high-throughput monitoring of potentially all action potentials in a larger neuronal network (> 1,000 neurons) over extended time to see developmental effects or effects of disturbances. Here, we demonstrate how CMOS high-density microelectrode arrays (HD-MEAs) featuring several thousands of transducers (> 3,000 transducers per mm2) can be used to record from or stimulate potentially any individual neuron or subcellular compartment on the CMOS chip. Future applications may include research in neural diseases and pharmacology.

Bio: Not Available

Time: Noon – 1:00pm

Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Rooms 102/103 (Map)

(Light lunch provided at 11:45am; Presentation begins at 12:00pm)

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