
Principal Investigator

Professor Ada Poon

Ada received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the EECS department at the University of California at Berkeley. Her dissertation attempted to connect information theory with electromagnetic theory so as to better understand the fundamental limit of wireless channels. Upon graduation, she spent one year at Intel as a senior research scientist building reconfigurable baseband processors for flexible radios. Afterwards, she joined her advisor’s startup company, SiBeam Inc., architecting Gigabit wireless transceivers leveraging 60 GHz CMOS and MIMO antenna systems. After two years in industries, she returned to academic and joined the faculty of the ECE department at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Since then, she has changed her research direction from wireless communications to integrated biomedical systems. In 2008, she moved back to California and joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. She received the Okawa Foundation Research Grant in 2010 and NSF CAREER Award in 2013. She is a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub investigator.

E-mail: adapoon AT stanford DOT edu


Postdoctoral Researchers

Jihun Rho

Muhammad Ahmed Khan


Graduate Students

George Alexopoulos

Joon Yang

Ziad Ali

Joanna Sands


Former Ph.D. Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

Saihua Lin

Sanghoek Kim
Kyung Hee University

John Ho
National University of Singapore

Mazi Taghivand

Kamal Aggarwal

Yashar Rajavi

Lyndia Wu
University of British Columbia

Stephanie Hsu

Jasmine Hu

Hui Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Siavash Kananian

Cheng Chen

Ella Thomson


Lab Photos

Lab BBQ  2022/09/27

Lab BBQ  2022/09/27

Graduation Ceremony  2022/06/12

Graduation Ceremony  2018/06/17

Lab Holiday Dinner  2017/12/13

Graduation Ceremony  2017/06/18

Ada’s Birthday Dinner  2016/08/24

Graduation Ceremony  2016/06/12

EE Pumpkin Carving Contest  2015/10/28

Ada’s Birthday Dinner  2015/08/20

Graduation Ceremony  2015/06/15

John’s Wedding  2015/06/06

Yuji’s Wedding  2015/05/02

EE Pumpkin Carving Contest  2014/10/31

Brynan’s Farewell  2014/08/26

Ada’s Birthday  2014/08/25

Field Trip  2014/07/16

Graduation Ceremony  2014/06/15

EE Pumpkin Carving Contest  2013/10/31

Graduation Ceremony  2013/06/16