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What's new in Structure V2.2?

The 2.2 release (April 2007) allows the use of dominant markers such as AFLPs (commonly used in non-model organisms) and can accommodate null alleles and other data ambiguities (Falush et al 2007). There are a few bug fixes including fixing a problem that occurred occasionally on Windows machines, causing structure to crash at seemingly arbitrary values of K. We have tidied up some aspects of the front end and C kernel. We now print out an average pairwise nucleotide distance within and between clusters, instead of the Kullback-Leibler distance which was less interpretable and less numerically stable. The new "net nucleotide distance" will facilitate drawing trees to represent the distances among clusters (see eg. Falush et al 2003 [Science]). The output format for the linkage model has been changed. We hope to release further improvements in the coming months.

Release Note for V2.2.2

The 2.2.2 release is a minor release with a few bugs in previous release fixed.

  • An occasional numerical underflow in MCMC runs fixed. When this bug is triggered, the likelihood value is mistakenly displayed as "-1.$".
  • A bug in dominant marker and null allele model fixed, the bug is trigged as user uses code "-1" in data file.
  • A window batch program is added to windows frontend package, users could customize this batch script (edit in text editors) to start Java virtual machine when the original program fails to create virtual machine due to memory allocation problem.
  • Release Note for V2.2.3

  • The 2.2.3 release fixes a bug that caused numerical problems for some data sets when lambda was very small (<<1). The problem was introduced first in V2.2.1.
  • We have also added the option to set the random number seed manually, thereby giving users the ability to repeat runs.