
IBIIS & AIMI Seminar: AI-Enabled Medical Imaging @ ZOOM:
Jun 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Julia A. Schnabel, PhD
Chair in Computational Imaging
Head of Research & Impact
School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
King’s College London, UK

AI-Enabled Medical Imaging

Artificial intelligence, in particular from the class of machine learning and deep learning, has shown great promise for application in medical imaging. However, the success of AI-based techniques is limited by the availability and quality of the training data. A common approach is to train methods on well annotated and curated databases of high-quality image acquisitions, which then may fail on real patient cases in a hospital setting. Another problematic is the lack of sufficient numbers of clinical label annotations in the training data, or example for early markers of disease. In this talk I will present some of our recent approaches that aim to address some of these challenges, by using AI as an enabling technique for improved image reconstruction, realistic data augmentation and further downstream tasks. I will conclude by giving an outlook on the future opportunities in this field, operating right from the imaging sensor to extracting clinically relevant measures.

International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart @ Virtual Event
Jun 21 – Jun 25 all-day
International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart @ Virtual Event

Join us for the 11th biennial International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH). FIMH-2021 will celebrate 20 years of bringing together friends, colleagues, and collaborators to share and discuss the latest in cardiac and cardiovascular imaging, electrophysiology, computational modeling, and translational applications. The event will take place June 21-25, 2021 virtually, via Livestream, Zoom meeting workshops, and Spatial Chat networking.


Sponsored by: Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart Conference

“The Invisible Future of Health Monitoring” – PHIND & CDH Seminar @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Jun 23 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
"The Invisible Future of Health Monitoring" - PHIND & CDH Seminar @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

PHIND & CDH Seminar: “The Invisible Future of Health Monitoring”

Join Stanford CDH and PHIND on Wednesday, June 23rd at 3:15 PM PDT to hear some of the industry’s leading experts talk about embedded sensors, longitudinal data collection, the future of remote monitoring, and real-world applications of precision health technologies. The panel will feature: Nicolas Genain, MS, WithingsJohn O Moore MD, PhD, Fitbit Health Solutions at GooglePablo Paredes, PhD, MBA, MS, Stanford University; and Michael Synder, PhD, Stanford University. The discussion will be moderated by Jun (Alex) Gao, MS, Samsung America.


Zoom Webinar Details
Webinar URL:
Dial: US: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 969 8401 4176
Passcode: 375941

3:15pm – 4:15pm: Panel Discussion



Sponsored by the PHIND Center and Center for Digital Health

Molecular Imaging in Neuroscience – MIPS Mini-Retreat @ Virtual Event
Jun 30 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Molecular Imaging in Neuroscience - MIPS Mini-Retreat @ Virtual Event

Molecular Imaging in Neuroscience – MIPS Mini-Retreat

Hosted by: Dr. Michelle L. James, PhD

Sponsored by: Department of Radiology, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford


The MIPS Mini-retreat series brings together members of the MIPS and greater School of Medicine community to discuss current opportunities for research and collaborations. During each mini-retreat we will discuss a different topic and we invite all those interested to attend. The mini-retreats are roughly two hours in length with ample time for discussion throughout. We hope you can join us and spark new collaborations!


Zoom Webinar Information
Webinar URL:
Dial: US: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 929 0323 3643
Passcode: 146018


Tentative Agenda (all times are in PST)
8:00-8:05 AM – Opening Remarks – Michelle James, PhD
8:05-8:55 AM – Overview and Imaging-based Collaboration: Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pathology, Psychiatry, and Nuclear Medicine (Frank M. Longo, MD, PhD, Michael Lim, MD, Thomas Montine, MD, PhD, Victor G. Carrión, MD, and Guido Davidzon, MD)
8:55-9:20 AM – Faculty Introductions: All interested MIPS faculty on the call give a 2-minute introduction including their interest in collaborating with Neurology, Pathology, Neurosurgery, and/or Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences departments.
9:20-9:40 AM – Recent center proposals and possible mechanisms: UDALL Collaboration – Michelle James, PhD and Kathleen Poston, MD, MS
9:40-10:00 AM – Discussion – Moderated by: Michelle James, PhD and Katherine Ferrara, PhD

Radiology-Wide Research Conference @ Zoom – Details can be found here:
Jul 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Radiology-Wide Research Conference @ Zoom – Details can be found here:

Radiology Department-Wide Research Meeting

• Research Announcements
• Mirabela Rusu, PhD – Learning MRI Signatures of Aggressive Prostate Cancer: Bridging the Gap between Digital Pathologists and Digital Radiologists
• Akshay Chaudhari, PhD – Data-Efficient Machine Learning for Medical Imaging

Location: Zoom – Details can be found here:
Meetings will be the 3rd Friday of each month.


Hosted by: Kawin Setsompop, PhD
Sponsored by: the the Department of Radiology

Gambhir Symposium @ Virtual Event
Jul 19 @ 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Gambhir Symposium @ Virtual Event

Dr. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir was a visionary who had a profound impact on the world of science and humanity. As a leader and pioneer in the fields of molecular imaging, early detection of cancer, and precision health, his enduring legacy can be seen in the research and innovations continuing in these fields today.

The Gambhir Symposium aims to celebrate Dr. Gambhir’s illustrious career and continue down the paths he forged by highlighting the work still ongoing in the fields he helped to cultivate. Join us to hear researchers and collaborators share current thoughts and future outlooks on topics developed with Sam.

We hope you can join us for the 2021 Virtual Gambhir Symposium.

The event is fully virtual and the livestream link will be posted on the website closer to the event.


Sponsored by: Department of Radiology at Stanford 

PHIND Seminar – Alberto Salleo, Ph.D. @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Jul 20 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
PHIND Seminar - Alberto Salleo, Ph.D. @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

PHIND Seminar Series: Plastic-based sensors for wearable technologies: fundamentals and applications


Alberto Salleo, Ph.D.
Professor of Material Sciences and Engineering
Stanford University


Zoom Webinar Details
Webinar URL:
Dial: US: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 926 4668 6705
Passcode: 270341

11:00am – 12:00pm Seminar & Discussion


The continuous monitoring of human health can greatly benefit from devices that can be worn comfortably or seamlessly integrated in household objects, constituting “health-centered” domotics. One of the key aspects for these devices to be successful is to be invisibly integrated and disappear in the background of our lives. Our group works on thin film devices made with plastic materials that can be used for electrochemically sensing of common analytes from easily accessible bodily fluids (e.g. sweat, saliva, urine) and can be easily multiplexed. I will describe electrochemical transistors that detect ionic species either directly present in body fluids or resulting from a selective enzymatic reaction (e.g. ammonia from creatinine) at physiological levels. I will also show that non-charged molecules can be detected by making use of custom-processed polymer membranes that act as “synthetic enzymes”. Using these membranes in conjunction with electrochemical transistors we demonstrate that we are able to measure physiological levels of cortisol in real human sweat. Importantly, transistors can amplify signals and I will show what architectures must be used to observe 1000x amplification of sensing currents.

Finally we have developed a process that allows us to fabricate sensor arrays on flexible substrates thereby opening the door towards ultra-thin, flexible sensor arrays for wearable technologies.


Alberto Salleo is currently Full Professor of Materials Science and Department Chair at Stanford University. Alberto Salleo holds a Laurea degree in Chemistry from La Sapienza and graduated as a Fulbright Fellow with a PhD in Materials Science from UC Berkeley in 2001. From 2001 to 2005 Salleo was first post-doctoral research fellow and successively member of research staff at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. In 2005 Salleo joined the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Stanford as an Assistant Professor in 2006. Salleo is a Principal Editor of MRS Communications since 2011.While at Stanford, Salleo won the NSF Career Award, the 3M Untenured Faculty Award, the SPIE Early Career Award, the Tau Beta Pi Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, and the Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford’s highest teaching award. He has been a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher since 2015, recognizing that he ranks in the top 1% cited researchers in his field.


Hosted by: Garry Gold, M.D.
Sponsored by the PHIND Center and the Department of Radiology

2021 AIMI Symposium + BOLD-AIR Summit @ Virtual Livestream
Aug 3 @ 8:00 am – Aug 4 @ 3:00 pm
2021 AIMI Symposium + BOLD-AIR Summit @ Virtual Livestream

Stanford AIMI Director Curt Langlotz and Co-Directors Matt Lungren and Nigam Shah invite you to join us on August 3 for the 2021 Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) Symposium. The virtual symposium will focus on the latest, best research on the role of AI in diagnostic excellence across medicine, current areas of impact, fairness and societal impact, and translation and clinical implementation. The program includes talks, interactive panel discussions, and breakout sessions. Registration is free and open to all.


Also, the 2nd Annual BiOethics, the Law, and Data-sharing: AI in Radiology (BOLD-AIR) Summit will be held on August 4, in conjunction with the AIMI Symposium. The summit will convene a broad range of speakers in bioethics, law, regulation, industry groups, and patient safety and data privacy, to address the latest ethical, regulatory, and legal challenges regarding AI in radiology.



PHIND Seminar – Orestis Vardoulis, Ph.D. @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Aug 17 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
PHIND Seminar - Orestis Vardoulis, Ph.D. @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

PHIND Seminar Series: Peace of mind for those affected by stroke

Orestis Vardoulis, Ph.D.
Co-Founder & CEO


Zoom Webinar Details
Webinar URL:
Dial: US: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 944 2746 9356
Passcode: 999031

11:00am – 12:00pm Seminar & Discussion
12:00pm – 12:15pm Reception



There is a growing population of over 10 million Americans that live with an elevated risk of having a stroke.

Each year approximately 1 million Americans survive a stroke or a ministroke, often severely affected by its debilitating effects. A more disabling stroke frequently occurs after the seminal events, leaving patients and their families scarred for life.

TIME = BRAIN. Early hospital presentation is the most critical determinant in good stroke outcomes. However, most patients arrive at the hospital often hours after the event, with less than 10% receiving any form of treatment (thrombolysis / thrombectomy).

As a result, at risk individuals struggle daily with the fear, a stroke might happen during night-time or when they are alone. Unfortunately a stroke that goes unnoticed for hours, is most often not treatable due to the lack of salvageable tissue.

To alleviate that fear, we are creating an AI-powered, smart-headband that analyzes brain waves to detect the onset of an event immediately, and alert the patient, caregivers and 911.

Our stroke detection AI has already been shown to detect ischemia during high-risk surgeries with 90% sensitivity and no false positives.

We have received FDA breakthrough designation for our solution and are currently running a pilot human factors and signal quality study.

Our vision is to provide peace of mind and optimal brain health for everyone.


Orestis is the CEO and Co-founder of Zeit Medical, a telehealth company that offers at home monitoring and alert solutions for patients at risk for stroke. Prior to starting Zeit, Orestis was a Stanford Biodesign Innovation Fellow where his team developed the initial idea about at-home stroke detection. Orestis trained as a Mechanical Engineer, at Aristotle University, Greece, earned his PhD in Biotechnology and Bioengineering at EPFL, Switzerland and conducted cutting edge research in flexible wearable electronics with the Bao Group at Stanford Chemical Engineering. He has authored more than twenty publications in prestigious journals and has filed for a variety of patents at the intersection of materials technology and medical devices. Orestis currently lives in San Francisco, where he also contributes to the UCSF-Stanford pediatric device consortium as a technology advisor.  He also maintains close ties with the med-tech and health-tech communities in Switzerland and Greece, contributing to regional Biodesign educational workshops.


Hosted by: Garry Gold, M.D.
Sponsored by the PHIND Center and the Department of Radiology

CME Grand Rounds Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Lectureship – Simon Cherry, PhD @ LKSC 101/102 & Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Sep 10 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
CME Grand Rounds Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Lectureship - Simon Cherry, PhD @ LKSC 101/102 & Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

CME Grand Rounds Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Lectureship – “Imaging at the Speed of Light:  Innovations in Positron Emission Tomography”


Simon R. Cherry, PhD
Biomedical Engineering & Radiology
UC Davis


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Meeting ID: 600 003 703
Password: 566048
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,600003703# or +16507249799,,600003703#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)
International numbers available:



Positron emission tomography (PET) allows for sensitive and quantitative measurement of physiology, metabolism and molecular targets noninvasively in the human body.  However, typical clinical PET scanners capture less than 1% of the available signal produced in the body.  PET scanners also are not currently capable of precisely determining the location at which a particular decay occurs. These limitations present opportunities for further innovation that ultimately will impact molecular imaging research and diagnostic imaging with PET.  This presentation focuses on 1) total-body PET imaging which greatly improves signal collection, allowing radiotracer kinetics to be assessed across the entire human body for the first time, and 2) the development of detector technologies that have a timing precision of ~ 30 picoseconds, enabling direct localization of radiotracer decays without tomographic reconstruction.



Simon R. Cherry, Ph.D.  received his B.Sc.(Hons) in Physics with Astronomy from University College London in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Medical Physics from the Institute of Cancer Research, University of London in 1989.  After a postdoctoral fellowship at UCLA, he joined the faculty in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, also at UCLA, in 1993. In 2001, Dr. Cherry joined UC Davis and established the Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging, which he directed from 2004-2016. Currently Dr. Cherry is Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at UC Davis.

Dr. Cherry’s research interests center around biomedical imaging and in particular the development and application of in vivo molecular imaging systems.  His major accomplishments have been in developing systems for positron emission tomography (PET), in particular the invention of the microPET technology that was subsequently widely adopted in academia and industry and as co-leader of the EXPLORER consortium which has developed the world’s first total-body PET scanner.  He also has contributed to detector technology innovations for PET, conducted early biomedical studies using Cerenkov luminescence, and developed the first proof-of-concept hybrid PET/MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) systems.

Dr. Cherry is a founding member of the Society of Molecular Imaging and an elected fellow of six professional societies, including the Institute for Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) and the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). He served as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology from 2011-2020. Dr. Cherry received the Academy of Molecular Imaging Distinguished Basic Scientist Award (2007), the Society for Molecular Imaging Achievement Award (2011) and the IEEE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award (2016).   In 2016, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering and in 2017 he was elected to the National Academy of Inventors.  Dr. Cherry is the author of more than 240 peer-reviewed journal articles, review articles and book chapters in the field of biomedical imaging. He is also lead author of the widely-used textbook “Physics in Nuclear Medicine”.