
2021 AIMI Symposium + BOLD-AIR Summit @ Virtual Livestream
Aug 3 @ 8:00 am – Aug 4 @ 3:00 pm
2021 AIMI Symposium + BOLD-AIR Summit @ Virtual Livestream

Stanford AIMI Director Curt Langlotz and Co-Directors Matt Lungren and Nigam Shah invite you to join us on August 3 for the 2021 Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) Symposium. The virtual symposium will focus on the latest, best research on the role of AI in diagnostic excellence across medicine, current areas of impact, fairness and societal impact, and translation and clinical implementation. The program includes talks, interactive panel discussions, and breakout sessions. Registration is free and open to all.


Also, the 2nd Annual BiOethics, the Law, and Data-sharing: AI in Radiology (BOLD-AIR) Summit will be held on August 4, in conjunction with the AIMI Symposium. The summit will convene a broad range of speakers in bioethics, law, regulation, industry groups, and patient safety and data privacy, to address the latest ethical, regulatory, and legal challenges regarding AI in radiology.



MIPS Seminar – David K. Stevenson, MD @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Sep 23 @ 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
MIPS Seminar - David K. Stevenson, MD @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

MIPS Seminar Series: Predicting and Preventing Fetal and Neonatal Pathology: Looking Back and Looking Forward

David K. Stevenson, MD
The Harold K. Faber Professor of Pediatrics, Senior Associate Dean, Maternal and Child Health and Professor, by courtesy, of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital


Zoom Webinar Details
Webinar URL:
Dial: +1 650 724 9799 or +1 833 302 1536
Webinar ID: 945 8482 8060
Passcode: 481874

12:00pm – 12:45pm Seminar & Discussion


The importance of minimally invasive technologies for interrogating the fetus and newborn, as well as of knowing where a biologic system is headed, not just where it has been, when trying to predict and prevent acquired diseases, will be discussed.  Examples of such technologies, such as trace gas analysis and optical reporting of biologic phenomena, and their application to model systems and the human newborn will be presented.  The role of advanced computational approaches for the integration and interpretation of large amounts of data derived from these new measurement tools will be emphasized.


Dr. David K. Stevenson is the Harold K. Faber Professor of Pediatrics and has made many impactful contributions to the field of neonatology and pediatrics, including his seminal studies on neonatal jaundice, bilirubin production and heme oxygenase biology.  As a neonatologist, his research has focused primarily on neonatal jaundice and more recently on the causes of preterm birth and its prevention.  He has held numerous leadership roles at Stanford University School of Medicine, including Vice Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. He is currently the Senior Associate Dean for Maternal & Child Health, the Co-Director of the Stanford Maternal & Child Health Research Institute, and the Principal Investigator for the March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center at Stanford University.  Dr. Stevenson has received many awards, including the Virginia Apgar Award, which is the highest award in Perinatal Pediatrics, the Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr. Leadership Award from the Federation of Pediatric Organizations, the Jonas Salk Award for Leadership in Prematurity Prevention from the March of Dimes Foundation, and the John Howland Medal and Award, the highest award in academic pediatrics.  He has served as the President of the American Pediatric Society. In recognition of his achievements, Dr. Stevenson is a member of the National Academy of Medicine.


Hosted by: Katherine Ferrara, PhD
Sponsored by: Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford & the Department of Radiology

Early Detection of Cancer Conference @ Virtual Event
Oct 6 – Oct 8 all-day
Early Detection of Cancer Conference @ Virtual Event

Cancer Research UK, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute and the Canary Center at Stanford, present the Early Detection of Cancer Conference series. The annual Conference brings together experts in early detection from multiple disciplines to share ground breaking research and progress in the field.

The Conference is part of a long-term commitment to invest in early detection research, to understand the biology behind early stage cancers, find new detection and screening methods, and enhance uptake and accuracy of screening.

The 2021 conference will take place October 6-8 virtuallyFor more information visit the website:

Cancer Early Detection Seminar Series – Azra Raza, MD @ Venue coming soon!
Oct 12 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Cancer Early Detection Seminar Series - Azra Raza, MD @ Venue coming soon!

CEDSS: The First Cell: A new model for cancer research and treatment

Azra Raza, M.D.
Chan Soon-Shiong Professor of Medicine
Director, Myelodysplastic Syndrome Center
Columbia University Medical Center


Location: Zoom
Meeting URL:
Dial: US: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 993 4034 5860
Passcode: 711508




Cancer research continues to be predicated on a 1970’s model of research and treatment. Despite half a century of intense research, we are failing spectacularly to improve the outcome for patients with advanced disease. Those who are cured continue to be treated mostly with the older strategies (surgery-chemo-radiation). Our contention is that the real solution to the cancer problem is to diagnose cancer early, at the stage of The First Cell. The rapidly evolving technologies are doing much in this area but need to be expanded. We study a pre-leukemic condition called myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with the hope that we can detect the first leukemia cells as the disease transforms to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Towards this end, we have collected blood and bone marrow samples on MDS and AML patients since 1984. Today, our Tissue Repository has more than 60,000 samples. We propose novel methods to identify surrogate markers that can identify the First Cell through studying the serial samples of patients who evolve from MDS to AML.



Dr. Raza is a Professor of Medicine and Director of the MDS Center at Columbia University in New York, NY.She started her research in Myelodisplastic Syndromes (MDS) in 1982 and moved to Rush University, Chicago, Illinois in 1992, where she was the Charles Arthur Weaver Professor in Oncology and Director, Division of Myeloid Diseases. The MDS Program, along with a Tissue Repository containing more than 50,000 samples from MDS and acute leukemia patients was successfully relocated to the University of Massachusetts in 2004 and to Columbia University in 2010.

Before moving to New York, Dr. Raza was the Chief of Hematology Oncology and the Gladys Smith Martin Professor of Oncology at the University of Massachussetts in Worcester. She has published the results of her laboratory research and clinical trials in prestigious, peer reviewed journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Blood, Cancer, Cancer Research, British Journal of Hematology, Leukemia, and Leukemia Research. Dr. Raza serves on numerous national and international panels as a reviewer, consultant and advisor and is the recipient of a number of awards.


Hosted by: Utkan Demirci, Ph.D.
sored by: The Canary Center & the Department of Radiology 
Stanford University – School of Medicine

MIPS Seminar – Steven Paul Poplack, MD @ Venue coming soon!
Oct 28 @ 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
MIPS Seminar - Steven Paul Poplack, MD @ Venue coming soon!

MIPS Seminar Series: Title TBA

Steven Paul Poplack, MD
Professor of Radiology (Breast Imaging)
Stanford University Medical Center


Location: Coming soon!

12:00pm – 12:45pm Seminar & Discussion
RSVP: Coming soon!



Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Hosted by: Katherine Ferrara, PhD
Sponsored by: Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford & the Department of Radiology

MIPS Seminar – Matthew Bogyo, PhD @ Venue coming soon!
Nov 18 @ 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
MIPS Seminar - Matthew Bogyo, PhD @ Venue coming soon!

MIPS Seminar Series: Title TBA

Matthew Bogyo, PhD
Professor of Pathology and of Microbiology and Immunology and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology
Stanford University


Location: Coming soon!

12:00pm – 12:45pm Seminar & Discussion
RSVP: Coming soon!



Coming soon!


Dr. Bogyo received a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Bates College in 1993 and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997. After completion of his degree he was appointed as a Faculty Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Bogyo served as the Head of Chemical Proteomics at Celera Genomics from 2001 to 2003 while maintaining an Adjunct Faculty appointment at UCSF. In the Summer of 2003 Dr. Bogyo joined the Department of Pathology at Stanford Medical School and was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in 2004. His interests are focused on the use of chemistry to study the role of proteases in human disease. In particular his laboratory is currently working on understanding the role of cysteine proteases in tumorgenesis and also in the life cycle of human parasites and bacterial pathogens. Dr. Bogyo currently serves on the Editorial Board of Biochemical Journal, Cell Chemical Biology, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics and is an Academic Editor at PLoS One. Dr. Bogyo is a consultant for several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in the Bay Area and is a founder and board member of Akrotome Imaging and Facile Therapeutics.


Hosted by: Katherine Ferrara, PhD
Sponsored by: Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford & the Department of Radiology

IBIIS & AIMI Seminar: Building Fair and Trustworthy AI for Healthcare @ Clark Center S360 - Zoom Details on IBIIS website
Apr 17 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Roxana Daneshjou, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Data Science & Dermatology
Assistant Director, Center of Excellence for Precision Heath & Pharmacogenomics
Director of Informatics, Stanford Skin Innovation and Interventional Research Group
Stanford University

Title: Building Fair and Trustworthy AI for Healthcare

Abstract: AI for healthcare has the potential to revolutionize how we practice medicine. However, to do this in a fair and trustworthy manner requires special attention to how AI models work and their potential biases. In this talk, I will cover the considerations for building AI systems that improve healthcare.

IBIIS & AIMI Seminar: Facilitating Patient and Clinician Value Considerations into AI for Precision Medicine @ Clark Center S360 - Zoom Details on IBIIS website
May 22 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Mildred Cho, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics, Center of Biomedical Ethics
Professor of Medicine, Primary Care and Population Health
Stanford University

Title: Facilitating Patient and Clinician Value Considerations into AI for Precision Medicine

For the development of ethical machine learning (ML) for precision medicine, it is essential to understand how values play into the decision-making process of developers. We conducted five group design exercises with four developer participants each (N=20) who were asked to discuss and record their design considerations in a series of three hypothetical scenarios involving the design of a tool to predict progression to diabetes. In each group, the scenario was first presented as a research project, then as development of a clinical tool for a health care system, and finally as development of a clinical tool for their own health care system. Throughout, developers documented their process considerations using a virtual collaborative whiteboard platform. Our results suggest that developers more often considered client or user perspectives after changing the context of the scenario from research to a tool for a large healthcare setting. Furthermore, developers were more likely to express concerns arising from the patient perspective and societal and ethical issues such as protection of privacy after imagining themselves as patients in the health care system. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis also revealed that developers made reflective/reflexive statements more often in the third round of the design activity (44 times) than in the first (2) or second (6) rounds. These statements included statements on how the activity connected to their real-life work, what they could take away from the exercises and integrate into actual practice, and commentary on being patients within a health care system using AI. These findings suggest that ML developers can be encouraged to link the consequences of their actions to design choices by encouraging “empathy work” that directs them to take perspectives of specific stakeholder groups. This research could inform the creation of educational resources and exercises for developers to better align daily practices with stakeholder values and ethical ML design.

IBIIS & AIMI Seminar: Deepening Collaboration with Stanford & Pennsylvania, Toward Developing Joint Strategies to Close the ‘Cancer Care’ & ‘Clinical Trial Volume’ Gap in LMICs @ Clark Center S360 - Zoom Details on IBIIS website
Jun 24 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Ifeoma Okoye MBBS, FWACS, FMCR 
Professor of Radiology and Director
University of Nigeria Centre for Clinical Trials
College of Medicine, University of Nigeria

Title: Deepening Collaboration with Stanford & Pennsylvania, Toward Developing Joint Strategies to Close the ‘Cancer Care’ & ‘Clinical Trial Volume’ Gap in LMICs

In this seminar I will be addressing the dire cancer survival outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Cancer survival rates in Sub-Saharan Africa are alarmingly low. According to the World Health Organization, cancer deaths in LMICs account for approximately 70% of global cancer fatalities. In Nigeria, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer, one of the most common cancers, stands at a disheartening 10-30%, compared to over 80% in high-income countries. This stark disparity highlights the urgent need for sustained comprehensive cancer interventions in our region.

Here, I will discuss the pivotal role in the cancer control sphere, of a new software, ONCOSEEK, capable of early detecting 11 types of Cancers! It’s particular emphasis on the Patient Perspective, which aligns with our ethos of need for holistic patient care. In addition I will discuss recent developments on collaborative effort with the Gevaert lab at Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania.

IBIIS & AIMI Seminar – “GREEN: Generative Radiology Report Evaluation and Error Notation” & ” Leveraging Patch-Level Representation Learning with Vision Transformer for Prostate Cancer Foundation Models” @ Clark Center S360 - Zoom Details on IBIIS website
Sep 18 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Sophie Ostmeier

Sophie Ostmeier, MD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Radiology
Stanford School of Medicine

Title: GREEN: Generative Radiology Report Evaluation and Error Notation

Evaluating radiology reports is a challenging problem as factual correctness is extremely important due to the need for accurate medical communication about medical images. Existing automatic evaluation metrics either suffer from failing to consider factual correctness (e.g., BLEU and ROUGE) or are limited in their interpretability (e.g., F1CheXpert and F1RadGraph). In this paper, we introduce GREEN (Generative Radiology Report Evaluation and Error Notation), a radiology report generation metric that leverages the natural language understanding of language models to identify and explain clinically significant errors in candidate reports, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Compared to current metrics, GREEN offers: 1) a score aligned with expert preferences, 2) human interpretable explanations of clinically significant errors, enabling feedback loops with end-users, and 3) a lightweight open-source method that reaches the performance of commercial counterparts. We validate our GREEN metric by comparing it to GPT-4, as well as to error counts of 6 experts and preferences of 2 experts. Our method demonstrates not only higher correlation with expert error counts, but simultaneously higher alignment with expert preferences when compared to previous approaches.

Jeong Hoon Lee

Jeong Hoon Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Radiology
Stanford School of Medicine

Title: Leveraging Patch-Level Representation Learning with Vision Transformer for Prostate Cancer Foundation Models

Recent advancements in self-supervised learning (SSL), emerging as an effective approach for imaging foundation models, enable the effective pretraining of AI models across multiple domains without the need for labels. Despite the rapid advancements, their application in medical imaging remains challenging due to the subtle difference between cancer and normal tissue. To address this limitation, in this study, we propose an AI architecture ProViCNet that employs the vision transformer (ViT) based segmentation architecture with patch-level contrastive learning for better feature representation. We validated our model in prostate cancer detection tasks using three types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) across multiple centers. To evaluate the performance of feature representation in this model, we performed downstream tasks with respect to Gleason grade score and race prediction. Our model demonstrated significant performance improvements compared to the state-of-the-art segmentation architectures. This study proposes a novel approach to developing foundation models for prostate cancer imaging overcoming SSL limitations.