Alone in the Ring (a research-based theatre production about inclusive healthcare workplaces) is coming to campus during the Annual Stanford School of Medicine Diversity Week and National Disability Employment Awareness Month, SMAC and Stanford Medicine and the Muse hope to continue the discussion on how to spark and sustain change towards inclusive workspaces. Alone in the Ring is followed by a discussion between the team and audience members. During the presentation, audience members are encouraged to reflect: How inclusive is your workspace? How could you make it more accessible?
Office of Faculty Development and Diversity and SMAC.
The OFDD team welcomes all Stanford community members to join our inaugural Health Equity Action Leadership (HEAL Network) event, Health Equity Research in the Latinx Community, where faculty who do this work will share their experiences in a fireside chat panel.
Moderator: Lisa Goldman-Rosas
Speakers: Dr. Ken Sutha, Dr. Peter Poullos, Dr. Holly Tabor