IBIIS & AIMI Seminar: Missing the (Bench)mark?

May 18, 2022 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Zoom: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/95872488712?pwd=dDhmT1JPdWtTSlBOQ1BENmtGOUxjUT09

Lena Maier-Hein, PhD
Head of Department, Computer Assisted Medical Interventions
Managing Director, Data Science and Digital Oncology
Managing Director, National Center for Tumor Diseases
German Cancer Research Center

Title: Missing the (Bench)mark?


Machine learning has begun to revolutionize almost all areas of health research. Success stories cover a wide variety of application fields ranging from radiology and gastroenterology all the way to mental health. Strikingly, however, solutions that perform favorably in research generally do not translate well to clinical practice, and little attention is being given to learning from failures. Focusing on biomedical image analysis as a key area of health-related machine learning, this talk will present pitfalls, caveats and recommendations related to machine learning-based biomedical image analysis. As a particular highlight, it will cover yet unpublished work on two key research questions related to biomedical image analysis competitions: 1) How can we best select performance metrics according to the characteristics of the driving biomedical question? And 2) Why is the winner the best? The results have been compiled based on the input of hundreds of image analysis researchers worldwide.